Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

I finished chapter 9 of Project Succession and SWEET MOTHER OF GOD WAS THE LAST PART WONDERFUL!!!

I am not that great at writing fight scenes and can greatly improve at it over time, yet I can admire the potential of what I was going for. It was so damn good and awesome! I fucking love how it came out and I can’t wait to make it better.

Holy Shit, was it so good!

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Finished chapter 10 of Project Succession and wow was it good!

I love it sooo much! :blush:


I am realizing that I can’t think of a new and different story set in Alagossia.

Well, that is a slight lie. I can think of something, but it is not really a concrete thing, just scattered thoughts.

I am so unable to move past Project Succession. I HAVE NEVER HAD A NOVEL AFFECT ME IN SUCH A WAY THAT IT FEELS SO FOREIGN TO ME!!!

I can’t understand why that is because House of Naivin did not hit in the same manner as Project Succession.

I want to start something new. I find that I can’t because Project Succession is being my everything and nothing else seems to matter. I am growing a bit obsess with it in such an odd way.


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Welp, why not make it a series…? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


Project Succession is going to be a novel series.


Starting new stories is hard lol


True that! I don’t know about you, but for me starring at a blank page is the hardest. I often spend around 30 minutes to an hour typing out a starting blurb, deleting it, and then the process continues DX

You’ve got this tho! I believe in you :+1:


Pretty much write the first paragraph like 20 times over lol. I got through the first chapter which just happens to be the hardest chapter in general not just because its the beginning this time lol. Hopefully things start to get easier now.


I decided to change the characters name to new names from Project Succession.

This is going to be for the second draft, though I only changed some names, the others fit perfectly.

The names were either too on the nose or too Earth-ish.

Alagossia is an alien planet with humanoid magical people, commonly found names on Earth don’t work here, it shouldn’t at all.


Wrote about 100 words after a month or two of nothing, which felt quite neat


Very nice! That’s 100 words closer to your goal! Keep at it!


I feel like i’ve really been rackin’ up the words but I can’t tell if it’s just me rambling and being too words in general. I guess it doesn’t matter because the things i need on the page are there. There’s always editing and fine tuning later. Just, ah lol.


I feel this! My brain is like, “Yay! More words! But… how much are you going to have to cut out later and how much extra work will that end up being.”

We can’t win, lol.


Nope never


I’ve established two of my toxic writing traits.

  1. When i get really into it I kind of forget to eat or I snack constantly there is no in between
  2. My main character and love interest come in 3 flavors. Depressed and/or traumatized, mentally unstable, massive red flag. Sometimes all three at once.

I am done with chapter 13 of Project Succession. There’s no Aeris involved in that chapter, but the next chapters will bring her back and the others too.

Things are about to really kick off in the novel series, regardless of the amount of changes needing to be made.

Still, I love writing chapters not focusing on just Aeris and her party, but other important characters in the story as well. I am trying to piece things together and it is great to showcase others and what they know about what is happening in the plot along with behind the scenes.

Great chapter either way. :grin:

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But I rather not spend money to do it. I might need to take a trip to the library a week or two from now.

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The library doesn’t make you pay for copies? That’s awesome! Ours makes you pay a dime or something per copy, but that’s still cheaper than printing it out on our home printer. Omg those printer cartridges cost a fortune! (ง︡’-'︠)ง

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Mine’s make you pay though it is dirt cheap. I would have to have a day when I can go there to do it.

I don’t know when, I just hope it is sooner rather than later.

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Right, I’ve got blurbs for my next two short stories.
Now I just gotta write 'em ;-;
The one flaw in my master plan

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