Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

If it ain’t you, it ain’t you.

I mean, I’ve got a duality with a lot of writing. I’ve figured out a long time ago that I could write plenty of things I can’t agree with, for another character, just based on the limitations of their worldview being different than mine: and 90% of smut falls under that. I mean, probably over 50% of smut in novels I’ve plain passed over and read the rest of the story–sometimes because I find it embarrassing for the character, forget if it could get to me.

But for someone who writes “true to themselves”, especially if you’re not the type to “kiss and tell” in your own life, sex scenes (or even steamy not-sex scenes) are extra difficult.

I mean, for me, I can clinically detach enough to talk about irl life on this subject due to a sense of obligation that has nothing to do with interest in discussion, solely from a stance that a lot of Christians won’t talk about it, and often leaves the impression that the whole act is to be vilified. So if I can do this in situations where I plain don’t want to, then writing it in fiction is a cakewalk.

But we’re not all built like this. And it shouldn’t be demanded of everyone, just to “make it”.


Oh, I can write it, as long as there is a bit of plot there too. I just can’t put it on my account with books I have tried in different genres. I love Wattpad, but it’s hard to split genres up on it.

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So senseless stuff irritating? Makes plenty of sense.

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I need to get back to my story dumps.
Yet I want to do a chapter summary for these two stories.

However, the story dumps are going great for me. So, I am going to spend some hours with trying to do both story dumps and chapter summaries.

I STILL need a title for one of my two stories. I might give it a one-word title, but what exactly should it be?

So, I will do some writing and stop procrastinating so much.

Time to go! Time to write!


I’ve been reading Dream of the Red Chamber over the last few days, and this is the first time in a while I’ve read something and thought “wow, this is a good book.” I think I stopped feeling that once I began spending most of my reading time doing stuff on Wattpad. There definitely are greener pastures elsewhere.



It’s on my tbr, but omg it’s 2500 pages! I think I’ll just leave that one until I finish some shorter books, like In Search of Lost Time and The Tale of Genji. (>‿◠):v:

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I’m having a shitty day today and want to just cry out my frustrations.
I will not get into details about my situation because it is personal.

I don’t want to write at least right now, since I am not in the right headspace for it.


2.5K pages? That’s… nope.

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okay, you don’t have to write every day


I know and thank you. :blush:

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Just cut it up and remix it.

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what are you remixing

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songs, words and stuff.

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hm, fun, what kind of song?

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A terrible song.

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whye it is terrible

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I am remixing a song by he whomst cannot be named.

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lorde voldy wrote a song? :scream: