Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

Thanks. Did you read some of my chapters yet?

I will have to engage enough.

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This was supposed to be

inseparable :stuck_out_tongue:


Wattpad isn’t sending you notifications when people read your book? ヽ(°Д°)ノ

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Yeah? I was wondering about the comments?

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You only get notifications for comments, and if someone has added your book to their reading list. The only way to tell that someone might be looking at your book is if the numbers on the :eye_in_speech_bubble: mark go up. That means someone went from the top of the page and scrolled down to the bottom. That counts as a read.

Unfortunately, no way to tell if they’re actually reading unless they say something.

Some authors put questions at the end of chapters to encourage commenting.


I guess I am anxious because I want to know if these drafts of the chapter are interesting enough.

I haven’t felt this feeling in over a decade. It’s been a while.



When everything calms down over here, I’ll go take a look :grin:

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Sorry for being pushy.


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No worries. I know the feeling of being anxious to know what people think. Take a deep breath. Eventually someone will see it and read it and comment :wink:

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Thank you.

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Chapter 3 of Red Reign is on Wattpad now!

I shall start chapter 4 later today on Google Docs then post days from now on Wattpad.


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I finished editing and sent it to the editor



But it’s not developmental editing. It’s a manuscript critique to figure out the strengths and weaknesses because I’m using a lit fic omniscient style and want to know if its working and stuff like that.


Take a breather, my friend.


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Yes I’m going to take a breather and…and…eat chips lol

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Sounds like a plan.

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I haven’t started chapter five due to dealing with PMDD after dealing with my burnout. So, I am still wondering what I plan to do with the chapter, since it focuses on one of my FMCs again. I can feel that my menstrual is coming, but I am not quite sure though the signs are indeed there.

I want to get started on it soon, I am not in neither the right head space or motivation to.

Today, like, yesterday is a lax day.

Put out chapter seven of Red Reign/Project Glorious on Wattpad!

I am going to wait to start my other book Spider of the Crimson Tower. I want to keep going with Red Reign.


I gave each chapter that is out currently an author note on my Red Reign story for Wattpad.

@Akje @NatilladeCoco @TheTigerWriter @J.L.O

I also did a slightly bigger author note after chapter 7.
Just to let you all know.