Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

True, true. You’re also having a great time with it too, which is always a plus and bonus!

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True excessive planning kills my vibe tjough


I guess that is why I lean towards plantsing more than plotting or purely pantsing.

I need structure, but at the same time I need to do whatever the hell I want. For me, there should be a decent balance or something.


Yeah I understand that need for structure but also the need for freedom. Balance is also important, tbh. All plotting leaves no room for anything exciting and all pantsing gets you lost at times.


Yup. I really try to do that as often as possible.
It can be a bit of a challenge remembering that you can’t just go with the flow without some type of proper planning. So, I would rather do a healthy mixture of both for my stories.

Doing more of one or the other isn’t the same for me as doing both together.

Just my two cents. :grin:

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Yes of course. Mix them up like a story cocktail.


Yes. Savor that cocktail to the last drop too!


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Yum! Coconut!



Sound delicious.


Yeah, so writing can wait a moment :stuck_out_tongue:




You as I am jotting down all of these ideas that I would like to add to this story and want to simply jot down, I must say that most of it is giving a weird comforting headache in a sense.

I can’t explain it, I really can’t!

NOTE: Oh my gosh! I am really feeling tired from writing this long ass list of things I would like add and simply want to add to this story. My body aches and I am tired of staring at the screen. I am totally brain dumping every single thing that I would like/want to add to my story. Right now, I am currently at number sixty-six. I wanted to reach a hundred, yet I know/ have a feeling I might surpass that. Plus, there is a chance I might have to make changes or something if things don’t add up or make sense.

I need a break. :sweat_smile:


I came to a grand realization today which I’m shouting from the rooftops (figuratively speaking).

This book makes more sense as two books!

And considering that I’ve already started the sequel, then that means I already have a full plan for the trilogy and two books are written. Granted, edits will be required, but I would’ve edited them anyway.

This is incredible. Why haven’t I noticed it before? So many signs were there!


I did some reading earlier since I was exhausted from typing and staring at the screen for too long.

I used my method of reading which was reading while listening to the book that I am reading by audio.

I love reading it that way. I would do some reading tomorrow, but it is going to be Thanksgiving and I have to spend time with my family.

Not like I am forced to hang/spend time with them, it’s more like I want to.

I miss spending time with family like that.
Anyway, I am going to break from writing tomorrow too, because it is family time and I need to take a breather from writing and reading…I guess. LOL!

So, there’s nothing else to report.
Later folks!


To the Americans on this site, Happy Thanksgiving!
To everyone else, hello and have a happy or close to happy writing day!
(I hope I didn’t come off as rude or something. If I do I apologize wholeheartedly.)

Brain-dumping all or at least most of my ideas for my TWO (it was three then four, but now it is TWO) stories is still ongoing.

I am going to do some writing and get some reading in before I get ready to spend time with family.

Nothing else to report.
Later for now.


Sometimes you have to write a bit to realise things. I’m glad it’s working out for you :slight_smile:

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Yay, congrats!

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Am on a short Thanksgiving break from classes, so decided to write a little bit!


I am back home from spending time with my family during Thanksgiving. I miss seeing my grandma and my uncle. I wished my cousins were there, but I can see them some other day.

Anyway, I am going to do some writing because I didn’t really do much while I was with my family because I was with the family. LOL!

But I had a good time.
Now, time to get some writing done. :slightly_smiling_face:


Have you ever been to a German Beerhall? Before you got weight-loss surgery, I mean.

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