Tell me about characters you're not writing now [revived thread 2024]

2024 Revived! I like this topic, so I’ve pulled it from the dead :wink:

Tell me about a character or two that you are NOT writing about right now to rekindle your love for them. It doesn’t have to be a main character.

I’ll do my NEW SET in the comments :grin:


I write a lot of characters for the trainwrecks, so its not just a person its a specific scene that cimes to mind.

But one that comes to mind for the person is Gamma Pearson. He’s the cousin of the Alpha in one story (so, distant heir to the pack but not direct in line), is a Delta I think? Nev3r finsihed the story. Nect one, he’s married into another pack as the Gamma, and is a PI in their town. Estsblish that He’s got a loud mental voice in this one. His son is a mutation–massive werewolf. Didnt finish that either. By the time Begging is for Losers comes around, he’s still a Gamma by title, but works for the Omega Council and is turned into a God by halfway through the story. Still didnt finish that one either.

So, I catch him in his 20s, his 40s, and his 60s at different points in his life.

Oh, and when he teleports as a God, he manifests deer antlers that get stuck in the walls, forcing him to break them.

A werewolf with antlers.

Honestly, he’s nothing special, but he’s in everything. A solid male that ain’t into drama and loves his wife. And along with the antlers comes a a Siren’s traits–he hates that.

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I am not sure I have any like that.

Honestly, there are characters that I’ve never really gotten to flesh out enough to do that.

There are PLENTY of characters who I like based on their personality and whatever else, yet I didn’t get to see them grow as characters.

I am sorry.

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I was absolutely in love with one of my side characters, Elyes, from a novella I wrote ages ago. Elyes is super kind, sweet, and is pretty much the perfect person. :rofl: However, he was never well-rounded as a character, so that’s pretty much all he is lol

And I think about Kelly, the sister to my main character, in Taste of Italy a lot. She was really cool, very spunky. She was upbeat, silly, and definitely the peacemaker but also the one that knocked some common sense into you lol

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Denny! A jerky incubus! I love him! And CeBella, a witchy smarty. OMG, I MISS THEM!!! :purple_heart:

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What about characters you’d like to write more about some day?

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They miss you, too :wink:

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Probably xD they’re currently suspended in writing reality, not very fun lol.


You should write a story about characters suspended in writing reality and grumbling about the author that wrote them XD


Hm. My old characters are my current characters :joy:

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spongebob voice write that down! Write that down! Lol. I do revisit old stories every now and then but I had to stop doing that when none of them were getting done. I’m trying to be disciplined and stick to one at a time on like a two year schedule xD


Where do I start?!

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I shall return later.

How’s that been going so far?

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Start with a character that makes you grin when you think about them.

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You’ve been working on your books for a long, long time now, haven’t you? What about this—tell me about a character that you love, that changed the most since their first creation and how they changed.

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I mean it is making me focus on one story but I haven’t touched that story in almost a year - school took over my life. But I’ll finally be free in August again so I’m hoping I can be stricter with myself.

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Cheering you on :grin: :clap:

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Thanks! I hate when rl takes over because I just be tryna chill haha.

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Yeah, since I was 10

:thinking: None of them have actually changed all that much. Really, I’m adding more characters than I’m losing. And if anything, I’m trying to make some of their backstories less depressing without entirely changing then.

I guess the one I’ve changed the most (which isn’t saying much) is giving Hathor Time Magic and making her the Vessel of Time, but that was like 5 years ago :thinking: The only major change I’ve done with her is giving her her own book series

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