Tell me about characters you're not writing now [revived thread 2024]


I dunno… Julio?

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Oh, oh, there are plenty of those and even the ones I would like to tell their story again, but in a different manner.

Hang on because I have a shit ton of characters that I want to write and/or rewrite better.

I promise not to make it too long. :sweat_smile:

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I am back and I have shorten the list:

I want to revisit these characters again, but in a different light.

Demetrius Steelcrest.
Nicholas Scarlett
Syaris Kaslan
Aeris Kriegman
Ryker Atlas
Kalina/Kali Nordi
Caelum Whitehall
Faust Thornwood.
Maribella Bartholomew.
Frangelica Hawke.
Lillianna Florentine.
Cain Abraham.

That’s it…for now.

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Adrian and Marvin.

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Pissy too.





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What do you like about Mimi?

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Nothing :joy: Neither does her family.

Okay jokes aside, she’s consistent in everything she does, she’s very peristent, confident and she raised Steve without him being too bad, even when he became a wolf.

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Years ago, I wrote my first book–a 170k word story–about this dude.

Old art ewwww

He also had a dog form.

His name is Shia (short for Shiakaia), and he’s a demon-dragon-werewolf thing (I made him up in middle school, obviously lol.) I got 1/4 of the way completed of the second book in his series, then I realized that series was hot flaming garbage and it would take way more effort than it was worth to polish it into something remotely decent, so I scrapped the series.

Shia’s still the best, because even though he’s the son of a powerful demon, the champion of Hell, and an amalgamation of a bunch of normally aggressive species, he’s just a chill dude who would absolutely wear crocs if they existed in his world.

He’s being revived (kinda) in my head in an AU for one of my other stories, so he’s still around. He’ll just never exist in writing again.

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Awww :pleading_face:

But he looks so cool! If not writing, maybe a comic series? :wink:

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Oh I’m way too lazy to do a comic series, haha! ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ

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Once upon a time, ten years ago, Churro joined Wattpad. Back in those days, there were no paid stories, and no ways to make money on Wattpad, and all the stories got easy views. Churro read a bunch of stories, and got inspired, so Churro made Ricky.

Ricky, like Churro was a teenager, but he was also from the 1980s, so he had a lot of exploration and growth to do within the universe. He started off as a single story, with a basic family, but then he grew and expanded into a bigfer family, with more friends and more family.

Eventually, over time, the family he had expanded past him and his siblings, his Pops, his stepmom Luisa, his aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces and even grandkids into other avenues and timelines, such as the Vaqueros and the Riveras.

Over time, Ricky grew older and more things happened to him, and more people came into existence within the Churroverse, and it expanded out past Angel Falls, and into areas such as Angel Hills, Coconut Heights, and even further afield to Mexico.

Now, Ricky is coming 50 and is happy with the progress of the Churroverse. Without his first conception, there would be no basis for what became the Churroverse today.

Ironically, without Wattpad, and the stories I read there, there would have been no creative grounds for Ricky and the Churroverse to flourish and become what it is today.

The progression of Ricky is in essence, the progression of the Churroverse. Ricky is love, Ricky is life.


Sometimes, when I’m talking to you, I’m honestly unsure if I’m talking to a person or that person’s fictional character come to life :stuck_out_tongue:

But it doesn’t matter, because that was a nice story :blush:

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Haha why do you feel that way?

Yes it was a nice story.

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You’ve mentioned something along the lines of possibly being a fictional character and I think it was a joke, but it hasn’t been proven, so :stuck_out_tongue:

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Haha true but could a fictional sentient Churro drive?


Oh go0sh, I have so many–

I’ll focus on the oldest ones or ones I don’t think about as often:

Hazel - ah, my beloved flower witch who does amateur detective stuff as a hobby (inspired by Nancy Drew games). She’s real sweet, yet clever. Lives in a cozy little hut in the woods with her grandma.

Leonard - real suave vampire, that one (he’s a different kind of vampire, not an undead). So very confident, yet so hopelessly confused about Hazel’s shenanigans and her knack for getting into trouble with dangerous criminals. He sure fell for her though! ^.^

Emilio & Miranda - another couple of witches (same universe as Hazel, though they never interact)
These two were involved in investigating some conspiracy between witches n witch hunters, never got to write something about it though.

Unnamed human vampire hunter - created from a dream I had last year or so. Takes inspiration from Hellsing’s Alucard + Vampire Hunter D. Thought it’d be cool to write a paranormal mystery story about his arrival at a rural town & him figuring out where the vampire that’s been killing townsfolk is. There would also be this woman that works at an orphanage who would be involved in the story, at first as an observer to the hunter, but later takes an active role in tracking down the vampire. Maybe I will write it one day.

I do miss when I thought about these characters more often XD

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If that Churro has hands, legs, eyes, and can understand road laws, then yes :wink:

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I can drive.

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Reviving! :grin:


Zalvidair’s been on my mind recently. A Galderkin who is of the wolf type. Well, Galderkins look like humans until they show they’re able to transform. I say “wolf” but he’s so much larger than the normal wolf. As for personality, he’s one of those “I’m going to be a little mean and a little bit of a bully, and also strict, but inside I’m a secret softy who is too embarrassed to show it”.

I write too many characters like this :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t help it.

But overall the Galderkin Chronicles’ characters have been in my mind a lot mainly because I’ve been chatting about them here and there.

Vicenzu is another that is kind of like this. He’s a great warrior, but he’s cursed! Of course, he is. With what? Ice. There’s even an ice demon or something with him. Because of this ice curse, he can’t feel the warmth of love…or so we think :eyes: So, he’s all “I don’t feel things and never will” and then, you know, he falls in love and his heart thaws. Because, of course it does XD

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