Tell me about characters you're not writing now [revived thread 2024]

Since this thread is back I want to comment on this from last year :joy:

Guess I ended up writing about him and the orphanage caregiver in the end! (Diego and Marta, for the curious)

As for other characters, the main trio from Kingdom of Cursed Sands (Lilian, Aleksei, Octavio) and the monster-hunter princess/mist dragon-prince duo from a yet unnamed story have been on my mind recently. More so the latter two, though they don’t have names yet.


The only character I’m not writing that’s on my mind is the mc of this fantasy novel I started awhile back and then gave up on. I’d just finished reading Howl’s Moving Castle and wanted to write something similar, so I came up with a magician in the clouds story. He hates everyone because he was born unattractive, while his brother is gorgeous and popular. At some point he discovers a book of magic and uses it to make himself even more handsome than his brother, but suddenly all the people who used to insult and bully him now worship and adore him because they don’t know who he really is. So he can’t trust anyone anymore, and decides to live in the clouds.

I had to look up his name because I couldn’t remember it, but now I see it was Egbert. His brother’s name was Chester. I’m thinking they were based on William and Harry in regards to their relationship. They fight whenever they’re forced together, and their mother’s disappearance drives a wedge between them.

Hmm…someday maybe I’ll go back to that. Or rework it into the series I’m writing right now. *ponders*


I’ve written a few drafts of this story, but it’s been a while. The main character of my story “Coffin Nails” is named Riley (I gave him a last name, but I don’t think that will be needed in the story), and he’s confessing his smoking fetish to his mother. He feels guilt because his father died as a result of smoking, and wants to confess to his mother so he can possibly stop feeling guilty. The story is the letter he writes to her, and it probably says something about his character that he didn’t say confess to his mother in person (the reason I wrote it as a letter is because I didn’t know how to tackle it before I hit on the letter idea). Though he has this smoking fetish, he is a staunch non-smoker, and even when he’s watching others smoke (via online videos), he thinks about how the smokers are ruining their bodies.

  1. Maribella Bartholomew was an interesting character who became the second youngest queen of her nation at the age 16. She wasn’t fully taught how to be a proper queen and her mother died during the most troubling time for her queendom.

  2. Demetrius Steelcrest is a prince of a extremist and haughty family who are also warmongers. He hates his family and wants to live them along with his brotherly friendship with Nicholas being tested.

  3. Nicholas Scarletwound is the same, only trying save his kingdom and resolve his parents’ mistakes.

  4. Saint Nirvana is a problematic yet interesting goddess who is highly misunderstood and absurdly overpowered.

  5. Faust Thornwood is a side character, but his story possibly wouldn’t won’t as a stand on his own story. Though I love his story.

  6. Syaris Kaslan was great, but never went anywhere.

  7. There are far too many to list…sorry. :sweat_smile:


So, based on what happened before, you might end up writing about the characters that don’t have names? :grin:


Talking about them makes you want to try writing them again, huh? :grin:

Sounds like an interesting character. And maybe after he gets all that popularity, Chester gets jealous and ends up becoming the villain? A battle between the brothers, and maybe something shocking is revealed about the mother’s identity… Just a thought :smirk:


Hmm, interesting

Sounds like a story that might deal with a deep mother-son relationship, bring up discussion about addiction and fetish, and possibly troubled father-son relationship… :thinking: Maybe Riley has a close friend who is a heavy smoker and he has conflicting feelings toward this friend? Just a thought.

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Could still become a short story if you wanted to do that :wink:

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The others are some characters I would like to revisit some day. Then there’s plenty more.

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It’s very possible! We’ll see after finishing with Azurean Shadows


That’s the one you came with the cover for, right? :grin: I’m very curious why it’s called Azurean Shadows.

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Yep! Still experimenting with the cover :joy:

Originally it was called The Hunt for Crimson Shadows, but changed it to azurean after I started writing it due to the main antagonist being primarily associated with the color blue

Searched for different shades of blue, and thought azurean was fitting!

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Makes sense. I imagine Riley didn’t have a particularly turbulent childhood.

It comes up, though only because of his father and the women he watches.

Actually, I imagined they had a good relationship, and that’s part of the reason Riley’s feeling guilty.

It’s a good thought. I actually didn’t imagine he had a close friend, but he does have something of a parasocial relationship with a YouTuber whose content features her smoking (he watches her content and she replied to a comment he left once).

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Parasocial relationship is another good topic :thinking: The things people do… It might be interesting to explore in a story, maybe?

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I have a character named Erin Salt. It’s been a long time since I wrote the story, but a few things I recall off the top of my head (bare with me, because it was a little messy and I was much younger when I wrote it/came up with the idea for it).

  1. She saw spirits, who would communicate with her and also deeply frightened her. To protect her from the bad spirits who wished her harm, a miasmic cat spirit (called a GREM Generated Residual Energy Mutation) who would consume the evil spirits and protect her. Generally, she wasn’t too fond of the GREM because once it consumed an evil spirit, the residual feelings from that spirit would linger with her, and put her into a place of despair… and some other reason I’m not 100% sure I remember.

  2. She loved to play the violin, but was not naturally gifted, in contrast to her elder sister who was naturally gifted but hated to play.

  3. She had a scar on her face that she was extremely self-conscious about.

  4. She was a sort of angsty angry teenager with a lot of hate and resentment towards her mother.

  5. At some point she ended up running away to the spirit world where she worked in a spirit-café under the tutelage of the spirit-guardian Talwyn (who was a giant owl) who not only gives her a job and place to stay, but also lets her hone her abilities as a medium, along with finding companionship with GREM.

It was meant to be a slice-of-life with some layered elements to it, but mostly just fun shenanigans that occur while she’s in the spirit world, sort of healing from her past, and learning how to grow up and accept the things in her life. Sweet, overall.

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It would. I’ll keep that in mind.

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Reading that reminded me of this short story I read. Maybe it’ll inspired you?

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I suddenly want to write about Spanky and Cricket again, the twin policemen. They’re from Their Posthumous Lives duology. Spanky’s the short-tempered serious one with a meanness about him. He’s the better fighter. Cricket is the mellow soul who can sometimes be a little bit off especially when it comes to romance cues. He’s also the crafty of the two and able to escape from seemingly impossible captured situations. They’re a dynamic duo.