Tell me about the strange dreams you've had

We all have strange dreams from time to time.

I had a dream of petting what looked like the belly of a large white cat. So fluffy and nice! And it turns over, turning out to be a calico guinea pig the size of a medium-sized dog.

What strange dreams have you seen?


Man has public meltdown in McDonalds
So then a sheep dances against a backdrop of tiki heads and pyramids to House music.


Omg we’re all having animal dreams! I had one last night, but I only remember one scene of it: a small brown and white bird was sitting in a closet typing on an old-fashioned 1800s era typewriter. Animal dreams are the weirdest! ☜(ˆ▿ˆc)


Well last night I had a dream about ice skating that suddenly ended with being hit by a car while walking next to a road so that got real weird fast. Interesting, this doesn’t even crack the top 50


I have lots of really odd oftentimes nightmarish dreams, but one that stuck out to me was the cloud baby-head dream.

All I remember from it is that I was riding on a horse with a large group of people. I knew these people were my “unit” and I knew we were ordered to go to some place. There was a lot of urgency to get to this place and one of the people in my unit said “Look, it’s happening!” and I look over across the horizon. The horizon was really large and empty, very flat, lots of sand and a couple of dead trees. The sky was very dark and cloudy, not like it was night time, more like it was afternoon but very cloudy because I remember bubbles of light appearing in the clouds. Anyway, I look towards the horizon and three gargantuan sized clouds were moving towards the earth, and the closer they got, the more they transformed into the shapes of baby heads. Their mouths were opened like they were screaming, eyes shut, like a newborn crying for food, and then they crashed to the earth. There was this huge dust storm and then I woke up. Was so weird.

Another dream I had that was pretty weird was when I was traveling through this plains area, again flat land, but with huge rocks in the center sorta like Arizona, and in the distance was this massive black castle. I was traveling with a man and a baby. Well, I was looking up towards this castle where this huge black cloud was swarming it. I pointed it out to the guy I was traveling with, and then all the sudden I got this distinct “oh no” feeling and then the black cloud started plummeting towards us, and as it came closer I realized it wasn’t a cloud but a huge swarm of bats. I grabbed the dude I was traveling with and we threw ourselves beside this fallen dead tree. I pressed the baby against the tree and hovered my body over it so it wouldn’t get hurt, and then the bats attacked us. I don’t remember when the attacking stopped, but after me and the dude were pretty hurt. We started walking on foot until we came to this house. The house was empty, and he mentioned that the people living there, people we knew and were supposed to be meeting, must’ve gone out and that I should go and get some rest. I didn’t know where to put my baby so I decided to make a make-shift cradle. I found a drawer in the room I was going to sleep and pulled it out, bundled all the clothes up and put a blanket in there and placed my baby in the drawer, but didn’t shut it. The next morning, I go to look for my baby and see the drawer I placed it in was shut. I freaked out and panicked, thinking I had been so tired I placed it in a different drawer. I looked all around this house, which was full of people, and started accusing them of taking my baby but they all looked at me like I was insane. I woke up feeling that panic for the rest of the day.

These were both during my “bad baby dreams” era. Not a good era. Glad that shits over, lmao.


The first one really made me think of that one Mr. Bean’s episode when he goes to the movies and has really weird dreams about it (definitely not a good feeling). Y’know, the one with his landlady’s pet cat being over-sized.

Question about the second one; were you travelling on a broomstick? (I don’t know why I started imagining that :sweat_smile:)

Those dreams sound really uncomfortable. I’m glad that part’s over for you too. :>


My dreams (especially the latest ones) have been a total rollercoaster ride.

Most of them have a strange creature and a whole plot driving against me, which gives me really good story ideas too, haha! In one of them, I was at a university hostel where some of us had powers that made us evil and those evil beings were part of an organisation to dominate, well, evilness. I had that power too but I was good(?) and they wanted to terminate me for that. My roommate (who hated me) found out she had those powers too and freaked out. The organisation wanted her to be a part of them, and I had to help her out of this mess.

Another few have been literal murder mysteries. The most bizarre one was a HALF-EATEN PIE being guilty for a murder. Favourite dream so far. :crazy_face:


I get strange dreams often XD that’s how I get most of my story ideas!

Last night I dreamed that I lived in a strange city that looked vaguely Italian or Spanish. The city had plenty of buildings with strange architecture, like a pyramid-shaped university, another school/university that was entirely located in a single, super tall and wide building, and a neighborhood where everyone lived in 3 separate buildings according to their age. Most of the dream was actually me telling someone about my high school memories at the mega-tall university, where I apparently had class with Goku. One story was how I snuck out at night with friends (including Goku) to take the mega-elevator down to the bottom-most floor, which was underground. Don’t exactly remember what we saw, but I have vague images of it being spooky and weird (not enough to be nightmarish, thankfully). Next story was graduation day where Goku took me to fly around the building on Nimbus alongside a random anime girl.

After some time I jump to the “present” where me and my friend meet grown-up Goku, who says he’ll be going to university soon. Afterwards I went with dad to the town market, located in a weird mall-outdoor bazaar hybrid place.


Yes, my dreams are very strange. My dreams also very erotic too, but that’s a topic for another time.


Why do I feel like that’s a combination of all the memes and weird YouTube videos you find? :stuck_out_tongue:

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How was the bird typing? With it’s wings? Feet?

Also that sounds so cute.

I thought maybe I could find a funny picture of a bird using a typewriter but instead I found a bird made out of a typewriter :eyes:


Last night I dreamed about walking through a coastal national park that somehow merged with a unfenced zoo. I stayed on the path while the tourists ventured into the scrub, chasing large lizards and furry critters with long tails (and razor edged claws). If only my dream could have warned them that ‘yes, this is Australia’ and ‘don’t annoy the locals’. I awoke to the predictable cries and yelps of Darwin Award candidates.


@alenatenjo Wait…so you were ice skating but somehow ended up on a road :thinking: Were you walking in your skates on the side of the road? Tip-toeing on the blades?

You keep a list? :grin: I wouldn’t be surprised if you did.

Oh my gosh, that’s terrifying :open_mouth:

Do you often find yourself traveling or going somewhere with a group of strangers? Or, even if you are by yourself, the knowledge in your dream is that you belong to some kind of group?

I often find myself being a member of some kind of revolutionary group or belonging to some kind of organization. Usually, I’m in the middle of an action–fighting, running away, chasing, or investigating sneakily.

That’s a horrible feeling to wake up with :open_mouth:

Pretty sure you could turn those into short stories though.

Doesn’t sound good :sweat_smile: Any idea as to why you were having dreams with babies?

I once had an era where I had three-four consecutive days where the dream theme was death :sweat_smile: Anything to do with death. A friend keeping their terminal illness a secret from me, neighborhoods being murdered by infested rats and turning into zombies, a zombie apocalypse on a train, and a kind of philosophical limbo/zombie heaven dream.

The ultimate chosen one main character :grin: That sounds like a pretty cool story though.

That weirdness reminds me of a book cover someone asked me to make once. It was the most bizarre request: a hand with a mouth in a dungeon, crying. Yeah.

Did you have pie before you went to bed? :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s an entire novel right there XD

What will Goku major in?

I think @NotARussianBot might have some ideas :wink:


Something like dot-matrix printer art?
…Ah, the memories…


In Snow White, there’s a part of a song, “a dream is a wish your heart makes”.

I know they’re talking about wishful dreams but sometimes I wonder what my night time dreams are telling me :wink:

They could be telling you something :wink:


I’m suddenly reminded of Jurassic World with the raptors.

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If a bird made that, I would be impressed :grin:

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An Australian 4x4 raptor.


Maybe someone can teach a raven to type. Those clever birds can recognise and remember human faces. Odin’s Tweety has Identify: Friend or Foe (IFF).