The Horror of Psalty the Singing Songbook

The website hasn’t been updated for the past 30 years, nor is it designed for mobile.

This is only the beginning of your torment.

Your comments here make me wish not to click…

I can only hope that someone’s torment is avoided because of your warnings.


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Omg what did we ever do to YOU?! ʕʘₒʘʔ

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You did nothing, but warn your family against his evil influence! Those cold dead eyes reflect the wrath of God.

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… I think that this right here would be a good advert for another certain small blue thing (if you know what I mean :wink: )

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If the live-action segments are to be believed, Psalty is the size of a human

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oh god yes thanks so much for dredging up some religious trauma for me today


Don’t be so serious. You ruined my joke lol.

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I apologize, but the most astonishing thing is that the website it still up.

Omg… those kids just followed him into the woods without even telling their parents. :anguished:


Stranger Danger doesn’t exist in Christian Children’s Programming, apparently.

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Looks like someone got too invested in the book of psalms and decided to make that their whole website’s personality

Edit: also, if I had to guess, the website probably has been updated in the past 30 years, given that the date for easter correlates with this year’s easter and such, but the format doesn’t seem to have been updated recently, if that’s what you were referring to

It doesn’t. If you’re scared of strangers, you can’t spread the “word of god” to them

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Which is bizarre, @JohnnyTuturro tried to go on his site on his phone it was a nightmare to navigate. It’s extremely mobile unfriendly, which is an awful thing to be in this current internet landscape.

Even if you are in Elementary School?

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I literally couldn’t rotate the page at all, and it was far too big to fit my iPhone.

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I clearly remember watching that same video when I was eight years old in Sunday School right before a pastor came in to tell us, all children under 10 years old, about how the Flood killed all of the bad people. He told us how we were sinners. I developed an anxiety disorder early on, and I was terrified of rain because I thought that I was a bad person like that pastor taught us, that God hated me, and that when it rains he’s starting another Flood to kill children like me because we ‘misbehaved.’

Needless to say, Christian Fundamentalism is toxic and traumatizing at best


I had a little golden bible for kids that specifically stated that God will never ever send a flood to “cleanse the earth” and the rainbow is proof of that promise. Why would you say that to a group of kids?


It was a bit of a cult tbh. It was a Church of Christ but that particular plant was very extremist

But even if it wasn’t, and even if they taught the rainbow thing, children will misconstrue that flood story just like I did. The fear manipulation was unbelievable, teaching kids to fear for their lives and to not think for themselves


I did as well, and it absolutely was. It seems like it would probably be a nightmare to navigate on a computer as well though tbh


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I was also taught that, but I was specifically taught that god would never send a flood to “cleanse the earth” again. Emphasis on flood. I was told that while all the bad people werent going to drown in a flood again, fire and brimstone raining down from the sky was always a possibility. Growing up was… fun.