The Horror of Psalty the Singing Songbook

I thought that was only after Judgement Day…

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Hopefully, yeah! But apparently, judgement day could come at literally any second, and you won’t have any warning, so you have to make sure you believe in god and you’re always being diligent with that so that if it comes all of a sudden, you won’t end up with fire and brimstone raining down on you and get sent to hell

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Clearly, these people don’t read their bible. There are signs to look out for in Matthew 24.


My policy on Judgement Day is the same as Ragnarok. It never comes within your lifetime.

stares in having lived through 80s and 90s shows.

This is clean-cut. My father took away the TV for three years (for various reasons) but one of those reasons for doing so was PeeWee Herman putting mirrors on his shoes and teaching kids to do so.

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It’s the combination of Barney-esque plots and inane Christian songs that leads to the torment

No one over the age of 4 sees Barney as entertainment

He’s not kidding

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Naw. I grew up singing most of those. I find Barney far less palatable. Having lived through The Wheels on the Bus in every mutation known to man, I’ll take Give me Gas in my Ford, any day.

And the 4 year old was mad when I turned it off. Not surprised.

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Eh at least Barney probably has a more updated website

Now, I will say the visuals were not vetted through studies, so it’s like looking at the first “live action Sonic” which is much like finding IT palatable.

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I read my bible :flushed: and I listen to a Pastor who talks about UFOs. It’s a great trip. Rue should do it.

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But the singing is any cd of children’s songs sung by kids, that I’ve ever had. The kids have broken a good bit of those by wearing them out.

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Unfortunately, the signs that are listed in matthew 24 have been happening for the past 2000 years, give or take. And also there’s the whole “no one knows the day or the hour” thing that makes it even more ambiguous


I did some MBTI test and it said I was an ENTJ, then ISTP, Then ESTP, and then ESFP and INTJ. INTJ should be after ENTJ, if the logic of the functional percentages are anything to go by. The weird thing is, this still makes more sense than Psalty Buttnuts.


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Yeah, I agree but apparently, they are gonna get more specific. In Revelations as well.


Exactly, we are always heading towards Ragnarock, er, Judgement Day

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@NotARussianBot is such a heathen, they use the NIV for reference :flushed:!

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If Psalty made any less sense, he’d be the Necronomicon

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I want a Psalty YTP now.

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