The Horror of Psalty the Singing Songbook

I haven’t the skill at this time to make that, but maybe one day…

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And you need the OS upgrade too.

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Partial Preterist. Most of those signs were clearly meant for when the Abomination of Desolation would lay seige to Jerusalem (and the latest of the gospels specially state that same thing but point blank call it the Roman Army, which happened in 70AD).

By some aspects of what was said ambiguously, in order to not get Rome to move too soon, the “22nd coming” was raising the temple to the ground, as “God’s Judgement”. Which wouldn’t surprise anyone who actually pays attention to Zionists who oppose their occupation of Israel (as they don’t believe God has called them back after the judgement on Jerusalem, by losing the temple).

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That’s one perspective. Personally, I was taught that revelation is a bunch of figurative language and metaphors, and it’s not going to happen exactly like that, it’s gonna be its own thing that’s much less specific and long lasting


Revelation was some vision, though that John went through.

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Most of Revelation’s language is bluntly talked about in other books. And I don’t find anything but maybe the last 2 chapters relevant to the end of this era, and find that a good chunk of it should just be called the 5th gospel account, as it runs parallel to that. Shurgs

Come on, a dragon trying to swallow a fleeing pregnant lady? Wars surrounding that? Yeah, severely compressed and flowery language, but nothing novel.

But really, it’s mostly irrelevant as it’s just “the good guys win, rah, rah!”

But w lot of people are fascinated with it

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That definitely makes sense. More often than not though, the interpretation that I’ve heard was that the roman conquest fulfilling most of those predictions was just a fluke of some sort, and it still all applied, except for when it was figurative speech, in which case it means something else convoluted.

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Yep. And what I was told when I was learning about it was that most of the things that he saw in his vision were just metaphors for something else. Some of it was literal, but most was metaphors. I’ve always been more of a literal person when it comes to interpreting things, and revelation has always been confusing for me at least, so who knows I guess


God only knows. (No pun intended).


I would argue that it’s the most metal book in the bible, Exodus is second mostly because of stuff like The Angel of Death visiting and killing all first-born sons

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Enh, that’s both hopeful thinking and not paying attention.

Yeah, it MAY be used more than once.

Because the Abomination of Desolation wasn’t JUST the Roman Army. It’s also what the Greeks were called for sacrificing pigs on the altar…so, this was wording was used in the NT to trigger “older prophecies” in the OT, but many Jews would have thought it had passed already.

And if you go all the way back to the Serpent and Eve, the snake biting her heel and her crushing the head was certainly messianic AND end of times.

Then there’s ways Paul talked about the Crucifixion being something settled from before the creation, yet it was done in his era for our sakes, so in a lot of cases, there’s a sense of layering.

It’s not like Joseph who told his people that they would leave Egypt with his bones, or Cyrus who was told he’d allow the Jews to go back home, where things are being far more bluntly spoken of.


Or Nebuchadnezzar would was told he’d eat grass for 7 years…and then is recorded as doing so. Shrugs

Really, a lot of this isn’t necessary for belief or not…but wholly misunderstanding it does not help. It’s the issue of all these people worried about “the tribulation”. And I have a pre-trib aunt, while I’m a PP. It’s really a matter of whatever happens, am I letting it distract me from greater things?


It’s gonna happen once, the second coming regardless of your outlook.

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Even if I was an atheist, I’d be dense as hell to think we aren’t going to have a reconning of some sort. Even if it’s an asteroid that just ends us. The only thing that is scary about a Creator God is that it doesn’t matter your superiority complex, it’s “His Game, His Rules”. And I know too many arrogant people Atheist or Christian who are the type to Karen God.


In some alternate universe, the Psalty cinematic universe is the biggest film franchise in the world right now. Think about it.

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They Power Ranger it to heck and back?

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:100: Especially Fundies, they come across as Holier Than Thou most of the time.

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That’s an interesting perspective to have. Your take on the NT prophecies makes more sense than what I was told they meant when learning about it. I have to completely agree with you that eventually something will happen to take humanity out, although I don’t know if it’s going to be caused by some higher power or random chance, and quite frankly I don’t care. But to each their own on that particular point.

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Yes! This too! Not to mention how easy it is for kids to misconstrue both messages.