Ask me questions about any of the things below. You can grill me and make me repeat myself. You don’t have to look at previous posts to see if you are asking the same question.
I will, in turn, ask you questions. We can chat about our world building and characters and maybe work out issues and stuff on the way. Who knows?
How to begin? Tell me something about your main character and we’ll go from there
Lunar Heart, Shadow Bound specifically, after Pinti leaves her home and becomes a survivor.
main character. 16. Leader of Makiista Clan. Has to find the moonstone for Ilvagis in two weeks or her sister and father (and all other captive Kattalunae) will be murdered.
an Ilvagi (shapeshifting shadow beast) was a secret friend of Pinti. Betrayed her by attacking her and her friends. Manipulated Bloodstone wall to reduce Kattaluna territory.
Pinti’s second-in-command. 23 yrs old. Grumpy, but respects Pinti and tries his very best to support her. Is against her decision to destroy Bloodstone.
the leader of Prendai Clan. Has an unhealthy thirst for violence. She lost an arm to an Ilvagi. Even with three legs during fighting, she’s trouble. Constantly tries to be the leader of survivors.
Kalis’ nephew and sole successor. 19. Disagrees with his aunt more as he got older. Supports Pinti’s desire to search for the moonstone to save Kattalunae, but does not like her or what she’s about.
the life partner (a.k.a wife) of the leader of Jurana Clan (whom Pinti hates). Like Vaiter, she supports Pinti but does not like her. She likes Kalis and wants to be the second-in-command of Kalis in the group of survivors.
Zar and Kra
two supposed Ilvagi friends, who appear in Pinti’s visions, and once, supposedly in real life. Zar is more emotional and sounds like he trusts Kra. Kra is more held back with emotions but sounds like he genuinely cares for his friend. It is a known fact that Ilvagis do not understand emotions and have difficulty expressing them. So an emotional Ilvagi should be impossible
Serelia Scuttle
Sparrow “Arrow” Scuttle - twin brother of Serelia
a planet made out of six torus plants one inside the other from small to big. Looks like a bull’s eye in space. Each Ring houses a different race except the Fifth Ring, the jail Ring.
a place made by a buried old Life Ship. Life Ship had two types, but the one in the desert was a generational ship and the only of it’s kind. Some humans who live here have ancestors that traveled on the ship.
Human city with twisted time. Looks like noon here, but is actually night out there? A domed city to protect from sand. Has the largest most popular Portal Station.
Ulk Pyne
A pocket realm made by a Sorcerer. He lives here with his assistant and does experiments and has a big lovely garden.
The Forest Crup
A pocket realm with infinite layers of possible lands which was created to throw away magical experiments. One of them is One Prestigious Parlor, a place creature.
- Shadow magick (only Ilvagis)
- Lunar magick (only Kattalunae)
- Sorcerer magick (only Sorcerers)
- Guardian magick (only Guardians)
- Human - First Ring
- Hybrid - Second Ring
- Kattaluna - Third Ring
- Sorcerer - Fourth Ring
- Ilvagi - Sixth Ring