Aww…how sweet!
As in what is the defining characteristic of the race. So if you put a human and a sorcerer next to each other, how would someone tell them apart?
lots of modern conflicts. ugh.
What are the Shaa like?
What magick do they weild?
What is their governing system?
Yes, I’m very curious about this race!
@Novel_Worm Okay, my brain is foggy to day, but let me try asking different kinds of questions…
If someone commits a murder on Arya, how are they dealt with in the legal system? From murdering one person to a serial killer, how does the system work?
What are the different ranks? of people on Arya from the ruler down to the poor person, do you have names for them?
Is anyone allowed to own a weapon? If so, who can own what kind of weapon?
What is the most drastic weather in the story? Drastic doesn’t have to be a storm. It can also be a drought.
What is the point of view for Empire of Lies? Why did you choose that POV?
@anon39043209 And something different for you, too.
What is the POV of the story and why did you choose that POV?
For any of the main cast in your story, have any of them seen snow? If they have, what are their thoughts on a snow day? If they haven’t, how do you think they will react?
Who is the antagonist of the story? What makes them the antagonist?
What is the environment like in Khollothage? Is it dry, wet, snowy, windy…??
Does anyone in her life give Jorildyn a nickname, and what is it?
Third person.
Seems better and less of a hassle than first.
Jorildyn has never seen snow, but was briefly told in school that winter is cold and snow is white. So, when she went to Movaria which is a snowy kingdom, she became a fish out of water because she never seen snow in her whole life. Kali has seen snow and know of winter even though she has lived in a desert kingdom and the same with her wife Gisella. Caelum has never witness snow or cold due to living in an isolated area and being totally blind. Everyone else has been in situations that involve snow and winter.
There’s a false antagonist which are the Rhaks. Yet in all honesty, there isn’t a clear antagonist since EVERYTHING is pretty much a product of a misunderstanding. The Rhaks are antagonist to the Firstlings while the Firstlings are antagonists to the Rhaks.
This all started because Nirvana want to create a race that can kill her, mistakenly created a powerful race that has a mind of their own and did whatever they wanted.
Khollothage is a nation that rains, gets sunshine, and the only time it gets their version of winter. A winter in Khollothage is just moderately chilly, but doesn’t snow in the slightest.
The only nickname Jorildyn will get is Jor…later on.
Skin, height, and hair. Sorcerers’ magick keep their skin clean and they tend to dislike “imperfections” even dimples and freckles Sorcerers are also taller than Humans and tend to have longer hair.
Humans, on the other hand, have been getting shorter each year, and their ancestors (future us) were all about embracing natural beauty. Unless they are performers, Humans don’t wear makeup at all. They also tend to keep their hair short because it’s easier to maintain (future us decided to cut back on how much we spend tending to our dead cells ).
The Shaa look like puffs of black smoke with red, pupiless eyes (below). This is the default form. Unless you are super familiar with a particular Shaa, you cannot tell them apart until they shapeshift.
I used to call them Edglings which is why it says that there.
They look pretty sinister and can startle you if they suddenly appear at night. They speak a growling, guttural language, but they have adapted to speak Universal, Kattaluna language, and some Human dialects. They live on the outermost part of the planet where volcanic plains make it too toxic for any other race to live.
Shadow magick. The opposing magick to Lunar magick. Right now, it is almost as strong a magick as Sorcerer magick.
They have a monarchy under a single ruler. The ruler is actually chosen by the previous ruler. Usually the Shaa that was the general of the Shaa King Army becomes the next King. All genders are eligible to become King.
Actually, it just sounds like “king” to under races and the name stuck. In truth, they are saying something more along the lines of “highest individual” or “most individual” or “the top ruling individual”, but this was too complicated for other races to understand. Now, they also call the ruler “King”.
Well, did she really expect that a race would just go “oh yes, great Nirvana, our existence is so that we can kill you. That is our only purpose in life”? Obviously, a race of beings or creatures would say “what, you gave us all this power only so that we can kill you? No way. We’re going to take this opportunity and become the most powerful in all of Alagossia!”
That’s what I got from that anyway XD
Yeah, that is pretty much it!
So, how big is Khollothage? Like…is it bigger than America? Or is it quite small? Because I was thinking, if it were big like America, it would be weird if it didn’t have different weather in the north and south.
The weather in Alagossia is weird, period.
Khollothage is the size of North America. Even if there is snowy part of Khollothage, it will be an artificial thing. Nobody counts in Alagossia will counts artificial weather as the real legit thing.
Shadow beasts are called Ilvagi now
Does Pinti enjoy long walks and getting fresh air?
Can Pinti read people’s faces far as knowing how they are feeling without them showing it?
Is Pinti an emotional character? Does she bottle up her emotions and only show it when it truly matters?
How is her living situation? Small house or larger house?
How does Pinti let people know to leave her alone when she is angry or having an off day?
If there is/was a school on learn how to properly get a handle on the type of magic that she has, would she excel or fall behind?
How is her relationship with her loved ones now than it was in the beginning of the story?
Does Pinti have some feline mannerism or is it all human mannerisms?
@TheTigerWriter: Here you go, whenever you are ready to answer!
Either is swift death, as long as they are proven guilty. Arya’s system is innocent until proven guilty, like most modern systems of justice. The way the courts work is that two priests, usually younger / newer one, are assigned a case and have to look into both sides, and present the case before an older priest (so like lawyers and judges, except both priests are looking into both sides to ensure that no one does their job wrong.) But of course, since all three are part of the same instituion, they can very easily be swayed.
Also, I made this up right now, and I’m told that there are different kinds of priesthood (two being the holy priesthood and the lawyer like one, and idk the rest)
Bigger cases, like the Mahasabha’s (Sara’s gang’s accused murder of the vessel) may be tried by the vessel herself (this includes royal muders, and priestly ones) with the priests advocating being holy priests from her personal attendants (so her chief priest is the advocate for the Mahasabha’s murder. And so far the story didn’t have a counter advocate, so I gotta add that in, now.)
Oookay… heavy.
We have the gods up top
then the vessels, who are ranked as per their gods’ rank (so Janani, the all-mother and Jagganath, the all-father are highest, then come their direct children - the Tridevi (the three fates, tri means three, devi means goddesses), and then the younger children, who are the Panchdevata (panch means five and devatas means gods.) who are ranked as per importance.)
Then we have their priests, the holy kind.
Then come the Maharajas and Maharanis (emperors and empresses, except they are actually now descendants of the emperors and empresses before the vessels started ruling)
Then there are the Rajas and Ranis (children of emperors / empresses, and also kings or queens who used to operate under emperors/empresses. The children are ranked higher than kings/queens)
Then we have Rajkumars/ Rajkumaris (children of kings / queens)
then rantas (courtiers)
then apsaras/ gandharavas (female vessels’ attendants (who are all female) or male vessels’ attendants (all male))
then devadasis (servants in a temple)
and then all the commoners.
Allowed? Technically, nothing beyond a knife for anyone except the army. But the Mahasabha does have a small arsenal of spears and swords that they took from the other gangs that were raided or absorbed, and this stash is almost never used anymore.
It rains really heavy in Arya. To the point that the downpour is so thick that it is unsafe to go out at all, and the nearby river floods it’s basin, including part of the temple, for a week or so before the water recedes
Sara and Malika are the two POV characters. They’re the main characters with significant arcs, and their each present a different side of the story. For Malika it is the courtly scheming, and for Sara, it is the moment’s investigation.
Are there any sort of advantages that their living terrain offers the Shaa above other races?
How are Shaa gendered?
Are there specific seaons in the story, and if yes, what are they?
Would Pinti like a traditional temple?
What sort of jewellery is common, and what are the meterails used to make it?
Pinti enjoys spending quiet time in the forest. She would just sit and listen to the nature around her.
With her friends and family, yes. But others, she learns their body language.
She begins as a semi-emotional character. Later on, she gets a little unhinged and then she become hardened after an incident, only showing her true emotions when she feels safe enough.
The biggest house. The clan leader gets the most.
A sarcastic, slightly mean remark, usually. Or just straight up “leave me alone!”
I think she would be average. In terms of magick talent, she’s not exceptional. So, if grades were a thing, she’d be getting Bs and Cs and maybe sometimes a lucky A.
It IS in the beginning of the story right now XD Everything is fine. Nothing is weird.
Feline. Kattaluna did not mingle long with humans so if they do share traits, they just happened to.
I shall answer in a bit.
The Shaa are now called Ilvagi! The Ilvagi are born from the shadows of lava and lava which only exists in the certain ring they live in.
Male, female, and what they call “neutral gender” which can mean the Ilvagi has both genders or is genderless. They often identify as neutral gender. Only a few identify as either male or female.
Spring and summer. Majority of the story takes place in the summer seasons.
Like as in… enjoying seeing one or… could you elaborate? I’m not sure I understand your question. She will see a temple in her world.
Good question. Kattaluna usually use rope and thread beans, acorns, or fangs. The last one is mostly for the males, at least in Pinti’s clan. They catch a legged-snake, kill it, and take out the poisonous fangs, take out the poison, and then wear the fangs around their necks.
I’ve been asked before whether a legged-snaked isn’t just a giant lizard or a centipede. Well, they have snakes and legged-snakes. The latter is poisonous and looks like a giant skink crossed with a centipede.
Would consider Pinti a chill being who has a certain cool vibe about her or something totally different?