UPDATED!! Ask me about characters, magick, setting, and I'll ask you, too

How would that be pronounced?

Like as in… the architecture, the general vibe of it, does she enjoy the location supposing she has all the time in the world to explore it?

Other questions:
What is the world’s origin story?
What relegions, if any are practiced by the races of the world? (why does it feel like I’ve asked this before…)
Are there any cool magical locations in the world? (think howarts stairs) Magical plants?
Are the races primaraily meat eating or vegetarians?
What would be considered recreation and does it differ by race?

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I will come with questions later. I was swamped with editing this first chapter. I finally feel better about it.


Pinti is quiet chill. But not unapproachable. At least not in the beginning.

Btw, I said she was a daddy’s girl before. She is, but after her father kind of pushed her to saying “yes” to become clan leader, she’s not sure if his intentions were in the right place. She loves him no less, but she’s kind of…unhappy about that.

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Read it as is. IL-VAH-GEE where the “g” is hard or soft, either way :stuck_out_tongue: I read it with a hard G as in “good”. The “I” is as in “it”. Emphasis on “vah”.

Not particular about how people read it, but there it is if you want to read how it sounds in my noggin :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm, interesting question. If it is a type of temple structure she had never seen before, she might take a good look around, but she’s not that interested in architecture. She might look for words and drawings, though. The one interested in architecture is another character, Daero.

He loves history. Especially buildings, he says to me right now XD

But before he spoke, I had already established him as a studious type. Very serious. I could see him spending hours at a temple.

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I will return with the answers for these later :wink: and with questions for you.

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  1. Is Jorildyn the type to cry when watching a movie?
  2. Do people in Jaeblia use magic? If so, what kind?
  3. You said before that Alagossia is way ahead of our tech. What are some Alagossia tech you wished existed on our Earth?
  4. Do people of Alagossia do space travel? How advanced are their spaceships?
  5. What kind of haircuts do people have?
  6. How do people get married in Jaeblia or Khollothage?
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origin story, the big question

I didn’t answer this last night because it is a pretty big question XD I needed a good sleep first.

Okay, so there were six torus planets floating around in a part of the universe. Slowly but surely they become closer and closer to each other. What attracts them to each other is their magick density. Stronger magick pulls in weaker magick to its center, compressing the torus planet into a smaller donut. There were six of them in the area and these formed a bull’s eye shape.

After that, magick affected certain lines of species and they evolved into bipeds with language ability.

Then it becomes a little strange. Science starts mixing with magick and legend.

The first being—a creature representing moonlight, is created by magick. He is the manifestation of lunar magick and the Chief Guardian of the world. The second being is automatically created to be the counterpart of the chief—a creature representing shadow or the dark side of the moon. She is also called the manifestation of shadow magick.

These creatures were immortal, so they needed a counterpart—mortals. This is where some bipeds were chosen to be given special magick from the two immortals. But you can’t have magical species only. There needs to be a balance. So, some mortals were born without magick.

Elgana is all about balance, after all.

I feel like you might have, but it’s fine :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone who follows a religion worships the Lunar Goddess. The Humans who came that were Christian or Muslim or Hindu gradually adapted, incorporating the Lunar Goddess into their own beliefs. Of course, you have some variety and you have some people who think the Lunar Goddess is nothing but the moon. There is nothing else up there, they think.

Pocket of a world is probably the coolest

Off the side, between the Fourth and Fifth Rings is a strange little bubble called the Forest Crup which is a pocket of a world or bubble of a world or hiccup of a world. Imagine a bubble attached to the side of a finger ring. That’s kind of what it looks like. From space, it looks too small to be anything and you can’t enter from space.

But from the portals that connect the rings, there’s a doorway to get into it.

This was created some centuries ago to be a place where Sorcerers would practice strange spells or throw away ones they didn’t want anymore to keep the rest of the world safe. Today, no one uses it anymore (magick has been regulated and better practice methods have been created).

The Forest Crup has evolved and turned into a layered world.

The way to explain it that most use is to say it’s like pancakes and to get to the next pancake you have to walk through forests or run through caves in a certain order, or you would just end up walking in loops or ending up where you started. Time is distorted, space is distorted, and no one has been able to explore the entire thing.

There’s evidence, however, that someone built temples here, left statues here, and even performed rituals.

Mostly eat grains, vegetables, and starch. There’s not a lot of meat variety on Elgana. Camel, sandsheep, goat, ratta (not a rat, but looks like one), snake, scorpion, cantermouse, chicken… a lot of smaller, leaner game.

It differs by region and wealth, I would say. Take the Hybrids for example. (side note, I am now calling Halfhumans, Hybrids). Some live in the countryside, far from the city. They might go hunting, read books, fish, dance, play outdoors games, or wrestle. But in the city, they have a theme park, shopping malls, movie theaters, game centers, and some illegal sports like using flying devices on their feet to race around the city at night.

Drinking happens whether in the countryside or the city for Hybrids and Humans alike.

Kattaluna, however, don’t have a city with tall buildings and such. They would paint, read, play fight, write, hunt together, sew, cook and some might invent things to be used in the clan for fun. One of Pinti’s friends likes to make toys for children.

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I shall ask some questions based on your response later.

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I have other characters in Red Reign as well that are getting important too, If you wanted to know!

Depends on the movie. Even though she is emotional and tends to cry because she can’t handle people she get attached to die in front of her.

So, if she is watching a movie where she has grown attached to a main character or any character that has died, she would shed tears or get emotional.

Yes and the magic is called Misting.
Jaeblia is an area with high First Mist/Air.

The Halo products, cars that can levitate or fly, and an futuristic upgraded version of the phone booth.

Nobody on Alagossia has ever thought to venture into space. The reason why is because I am trying to focus on one thing and only thing only.

The different haircuts on Earth.

Marriages in Khollothage are semi-arranged for anyone.

Marriages in Jaeblia are more freeing than what Khollothage have.

Here are my other main characters if you are wondering:

1 Kali (Kalina) Nordi-Atlas
2 Gisella Atlas-Nordi
3 Ryker Atlas
4 Caelum Whitehall
5 Faust Thornwood.



  1. How do Sara and Malika meet? Do they initially get along?
  2. What kind of food is farmed in Arya?
  3. Are there large bodies of water in Arya like a river or a lake or the ocean nearby?
  4. Who are/is the Mahasabha? A person? A god? A vessel? A warrior?
  5. How are the three fates Tridevi different or similar to the three fates in Greek mythology?
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What can one do with Misting? What are some common things?

I know you are, but hasn’t anyone on the planet thought of it? :stuck_out_tongue:

On Elgana, Hybrids have thought of it. Rumor has it, they may one day try to go to Earth and see what an ocean is like. But they’re not too keen on going to a planet filled with Humans.

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Honestly, no, if I were to do that it would be people trying to understand space, but not wanting to understand in a way to start life on space colonies or other planets.

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  1. Conjuring things into reality based on thought and bending it (whatever it is) to your will and making it completely your own.

  2. Chanting spells and wielding misting with the flick of your hand. The thing with chanting spells is you can create your VERY OWN spells to chant. You just need to master the magical misting language to make your own misting spells rather than the one given to you. You can use spell books, but it better to chant your own spells that you’ve created, so it can be more freeing. It can also work with magical staff, jewels, and a wand (the wands ARE VERY different than those Harry Potter wands).

For example: If I am Zirken, I can used spells books to gain knowledge and along with schooling to master using spell books, but also to get a better idea of creating my own personal spells to make my misting feel free.

  1. Elemental misting when a person (depending on the Draad species) gain an affinity to wield and sorta bend the elements and sub-elements.

There are plenty more, but I am only going to list these.

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  1. Would Pinti squeal if she caught sight of something so cute?

  2. If Pinti wanted to travel the world in 80 days or rather travel to different rings, where would she travel to first?

  3. Does Pinti believe that the gods are just and righteous?

  4. If Pinti were to write a fiction or nonfiction novel, what would it be about?

  5. What is something that if Pinti were to see a human do, would give her a weirded out glance and a head shake of disappointment?

  6. What would Elgana be like (depending on the ring) if magick stops existing and people or beings have to rely on their brain power and hard work to progress and thrive?

  7. What type of people does Pinti hates but also secretly pities?

  8. Is Pinti good at creating things with her hands?

  9. How would Elgana differ if the world was shaped in a spherical sense (think Earth or any planets)?

  10. The grass is greener on the other side and when life gives you lemons, is there a famous saying that exist in the certain rings?

Bonus Question:

  1. Are many of Pinti’s kind blue or are they different varying colors?
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Could they make a golem? Or something like Olaf from Frozen?

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I tried to imagine it, but no XD She’s not that kinda gal. And there’s nothing cuter than her sister, her cat, and her goat.

Fourth Ring! She’s heard so many stories about the many festivals that Sorcerers have and thinks it sounds like so much fun!

There is only one goddess. At first, she believes. Then her family is murdered so…

Probably the made-up adventures that she’s gone on with her friends. She’ll write it for her little sister.

She does this in the story. Humans riding on camels would kill the camel that is lame or too old and bury it. Pinti thinks it is a waste of meat. She doesn’t enjoy camel, but she’s a survivor and would eat any meat she comes across if she is starving.

If magick ceases to exist on Elgana, the entire planet will collapse. Possibly everyone will scramble to escape and go to Earth, the other known habitable planet. Sorcerers might die because magick is what keeps them young and heal their wounds, and take care of illnesses.

Humans. Mixed feelings for them.

Paws. Yes. Not as nimble as her inventor friend Chardi, but she’s made a quilt for her little sister.

Well, there are six Rings… do you mean if there were six spheres floating in space instead? Or one giant sphere?

Well…Sorcerers often say they did something “because of aesthetics” or “because of aesthetic ethics” mostly to get away with things. They also say “because it is the Sorcerer way”.

Raven girl Wescherlie has a specific saying she made up: “cut yourself some pie called slack” or “cut yourself some slack pie”

The Ilvagi refer to impossible things as “like a Dark North”. Dark North is considered as a place that only exists in stories and dreams, not in real life. It’s said to be the place where all magick originated. No one has ever seen it.

Pinti’s clan specifically owns a lot of goats, so they have goat sayings :stuck_out_tongue:
“step on a goat’s tail” means immediate danger or worry.
“pit of goat dung” means a horrible place or a horrible situation and you’d say “I’ll make your life a pit of goat dung” for a threat.

Hybrids say: “no shite Charlotte” to someone who has been a smarty-pants and acting proud of something they said usually it is something that goes without saying. Charlotte is a famous detective in fiction. I guess that’s not really a saying, but that’s all I can think of :stuck_out_tongue:

Various shades of blue depending on the clan.

  • Makiista (Pinti’s clan): azure with some white on ear tips, tail tips, paw tips sometimes. dark blue stripes
  • Prendai: pale blue to near white. white stripes.
  • Jurana: dark blue with indigo stripes. some may be closer to black.
  • Yajis: light blue (lighter than Makiista) with azure stripes and often white tail tips, paw tips, and around the nose.
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Unfortunately, it would have to be something that is based on Alagossia. For someone or something to do that, they would have to be a Firstling, Rhak, or something else entirely.

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Right, but can they make a sentient being? Is what I’m asking.

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Yeah, if they want it to be.

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Sara is from the Western Isles. Malika was sent there to negotiate peace after she had turned 15, and she became good friends with Sara. Sara also exposed her to a lot of different things, and made her question Arya’s system. Malika then brought Sara back with her to Arya under a marriage alliance with her own chief priest, however Malika has always had a crush on her. Sara did not realize she loved Malika until the start of the story.

Depends on region. Where Sara and Malika live, it’s mostly rice and vegetables. In the North, towards the capital, we have wheat being the primary.

Arya is a large island country, and Sara and Malika live on the coast. There is also a river in the forest at the back of the temple, which has its delta in a nearby town.

Oops just realized I hadn’t clarified this and keep refferring to them.
The Mahasabha is a collective of people who work together to keep each other alive and well. It was originally started as a gang to oppose the other large, vicious gangs in the city and as a rebellious organization that wanted to overthrow the vessels. But after the leader died, his son took over, and Rishi, the new leader, absorbed the smaller gangs into his own if they met his morals, destroying the ones that didn’t. He conviniently fell for the daughter of the one of the chieftans of a smaller gang, and married Noor, who became the second leader. Then came Kusuma, who was their primary healer and the mother figure of the gang, the third leader. The next person to find their way to the leadership was Sara, who had been rescued from one of the destroyed gangs (she was somewhat a prisoner, related to the trauma event), who became a very valuable thief and spy, and helped with the integration of the last of the smaller gangs. The last leader is a teen boy named Dilip who is a math whiz and the gang’s accountant. He’s a leader because of the nature of his work, but the other leaders treat him as their kid (his parents are part of the gang, but Dilip stays with the leaders most of the time due to his work). He’s usually kept away from the difficult decisions and bad things, but they are starting to slowly groom him to become one of them.
After Rishi’s ascension, the gang became less about opposing the government, and more about taking care of their own and like a cross between a socialist and democratic system. The leaders, other than Rishi, are there because of their contributions to the gang and because all of the members agree they should be leaders. If there is dissent, the leaders’ positions would be reevaluated, but that has not happened ever. Grievence systems are set in place, and anyone can approach the leaders for help. It’s this utopian build of the gang that leads to them becoming the rulers of the state at the end of the story.
Malika, and her predecessor, have turned a blind eye to most of the gang’s crimes since Rishi’s ascencion because it is actually beneficial for their citizens, and he can do more than they can. But since the gang gets accused of murdering the vessel, they have to be captured
At the start of the story, Sara and Kusuma were away when the gang compound is being raided, so Dilip goes to call them, and they make him stay back while they take care of the soldiers. When they go back, Sara, Rishi and Noor get captured. The soldiers haven’t yet figured out that there are leaders other that RIshi and Noor, so the two are able to orchastrate an escape for Sara. To save the rest of the gang, Sara has to go into the temple and find the true culprits so that the Mahasabha will be let go.

The tridevi, or the the three fates, in this system, are more than just personification of fate. The idea definitely originated from the fates of greek mythology. My fates:
Shambhavi - Goddess of choice and possibility (she can see all the doors people may step into and how these doors may affect other doors)
Avadhi- Goddess of time (she can see where these doors may lead, and how it interconnects with other people’s doors)
Nashina - Goddess of death and rebirth (she can tell how much time each choice gives a person)

So imagine it like this: each choice is represented by a knot of thread. A person may have any numeber of possibilites to choose from, and some of them are influenced by a choice made by someone else, which is another knot in a different color. So looking at everyone in the world, we get a web of possibilities. Shambhavi controls the number of outcomes and the outcomes defined by other people, i.e number of threads going in and coming out of a knot. Avadhi can see all the knots in a person’s life, and the overall web is controlled by her. Nashina can see the time beyond a choice, so she controls the length between the knots.
Does that make any sense? (I made this up right now, because the fates barely show in the story)

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