origin story, the big question
I didn’t answer this last night because it is a pretty big question XD I needed a good sleep first.
Okay, so there were six torus planets floating around in a part of the universe. Slowly but surely they become closer and closer to each other. What attracts them to each other is their magick density. Stronger magick pulls in weaker magick to its center, compressing the torus planet into a smaller donut. There were six of them in the area and these formed a bull’s eye shape.
After that, magick affected certain lines of species and they evolved into bipeds with language ability.
Then it becomes a little strange. Science starts mixing with magick and legend.
The first being—a creature representing moonlight, is created by magick. He is the manifestation of lunar magick and the Chief Guardian of the world. The second being is automatically created to be the counterpart of the chief—a creature representing shadow or the dark side of the moon. She is also called the manifestation of shadow magick.
These creatures were immortal, so they needed a counterpart—mortals. This is where some bipeds were chosen to be given special magick from the two immortals. But you can’t have magical species only. There needs to be a balance. So, some mortals were born without magick.
Elgana is all about balance, after all.
I feel like you might have, but it’s fine 
Everyone who follows a religion worships the Lunar Goddess. The Humans who came that were Christian or Muslim or Hindu gradually adapted, incorporating the Lunar Goddess into their own beliefs. Of course, you have some variety and you have some people who think the Lunar Goddess is nothing but the moon. There is nothing else up there, they think.
Pocket of a world is probably the coolest
Off the side, between the Fourth and Fifth Rings is a strange little bubble called the Forest Crup which is a pocket of a world or bubble of a world or hiccup of a world. Imagine a bubble attached to the side of a finger ring. That’s kind of what it looks like. From space, it looks too small to be anything and you can’t enter from space.
But from the portals that connect the rings, there’s a doorway to get into it.
This was created some centuries ago to be a place where Sorcerers would practice strange spells or throw away ones they didn’t want anymore to keep the rest of the world safe. Today, no one uses it anymore (magick has been regulated and better practice methods have been created).
The Forest Crup has evolved and turned into a layered world.
The way to explain it that most use is to say it’s like pancakes and to get to the next pancake you have to walk through forests or run through caves in a certain order, or you would just end up walking in loops or ending up where you started. Time is distorted, space is distorted, and no one has been able to explore the entire thing.
There’s evidence, however, that someone built temples here, left statues here, and even performed rituals.
Mostly eat grains, vegetables, and starch. There’s not a lot of meat variety on Elgana. Camel, sandsheep, goat, ratta (not a rat, but looks like one), snake, scorpion, cantermouse, chicken… a lot of smaller, leaner game.
It differs by region and wealth, I would say. Take the Hybrids for example. (side note, I am now calling Halfhumans, Hybrids). Some live in the countryside, far from the city. They might go hunting, read books, fish, dance, play outdoors games, or wrestle. But in the city, they have a theme park, shopping malls, movie theaters, game centers, and some illegal sports like using flying devices on their feet to race around the city at night.
Drinking happens whether in the countryside or the city for Hybrids and Humans alike.
Kattaluna, however, don’t have a city with tall buildings and such. They would paint, read, play fight, write, hunt together, sew, cook and some might invent things to be used in the clan for fun. One of Pinti’s friends likes to make toys for children.