I am going to be brutally honest, I don’t know how to edit a novel because I never got the chance to edit a novel. I never edited The House of Naivin, as I gave up on the story and focused on other things.
It’s not really a matter of me not knowing what to do, but rather how to go about doing it. Mind you I NEVER gave Project Succession an outline. I HATE making outlines and I ALWAYS just go for it. I am a die-hard panster and I just write to see where the story takes me and keep it going if I can. Outlining bothers me because I either plot too much or get bored of the story and wanna do something else. Yet I do have a general idea of how I want the plot to go from my thoughts alone, but nothing is set in stone or put on paper.
So, I finished my first novel and that I truly enjoyed and wanted to give editing a try, but I don’t even know how I should tackle it.
I do know that Chapter 1, Part 1 needs to go and a few chapters that serve no purpose to where I am going with the story. I think I may need to tackle those chapters BEFORE getting into the chapters that aren’t too messy. Those chapters/parts that I need to scrap are the main focus, but everything can come after when I make a better sense of the chapters/parts that I need to get rid of, immediately.
I understand that much. I know the grammar and all that jazz comes too. I think getting heavily back into reading should help because I don’t read enough, I am talking about novels.
So, do you have any tips, tricks, ways, advice for editing a first draft in steps? I know what I need to tackle first and of course I need to reread the story, but something to do while I am rereading the draft.
Does that make sense or not so much?
Thoughts and feelings?
NOTE: I get the whole “what works for me, may not work for you” deal and I appreciate you saying that. Yet I am willing to branch out and try different methods as a planster. I would’ve said panster, but the only method is just go with the flow and not much direction.