What are you working on now? 2025

What are you working on now? I thought it’s time to ask this again.
This doesn’t have to just be about writing.

2024...not as planned

As for me, I weeded out projects that I want to focus on this November. So many people are saying they don’t want to do NaNo, but I think you can still do a novel writing month if you wanted to, use the NaNo system to track your work, but just not officially participate.

Well, anyway,

I’ve decided to focus back on my two oldest projects at the moment.

Lunar Heart, Shadow Bound: Book One (rewriting/editing)
Alive At Dawn (editing)

November 10 is usually around the time I think, huh, maybe I want to participate in NaNo this year, so it will be November 10 I’m officially putting all my focus onto my two projects. Until then, it’s been preparations.

So, what’s going on with you? You can talk about your projects in as much detail as you want :blush:

Using this again for 2025. 2024 was a year of big things, tiny things, meaningful relationships, and hardly any projects done in my opinion.

Anyway, what am I working on NOW is the question.

Alive At Dawn (TPL Book 1) - editing
Dead By Sunrise (TPL Book 2) - fixing plot in my head as I edit book 1

Rat Among Birds (a.k.a The Rat Girl) - gently rethinking story

Working with formatter to release paperback of Between Roses

Currently, this situation.


It is time for me to finally create an Americanized Journey To The West. Route 108.


Where will you be stopping?

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Me? Stopping? At the end.


I am working on WAY too many stories at once-

Also, drawing, practicing flute, and training Toby (my orange cat).


I’m trying to get back into my untitled regency romance, but the election’s had me so upset lately I can’t concentrate. Haven’t given up on it, though! Just got to re-outline and maybe watch some motivational videos. Also LitHub has some essays on how famous authors get out of their funks. Hopefully in another week or so I’ll be ready to write again. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


Apart from being an overall rat person, I’m writing my years-in-development untitled novel. I’m not doing NaNo. I’ve never done a novel-writing month cause I’m in no a rush to finish anything.

At the moment I’m writing a vignette about a sage who studied the Nature of the Wind and consequently gets trapped within it, doomed to wander the world as a phantom in the wind.


Unfortunately nothing, but I should get back to my fictional TV shows book.


Still focusing on IUP3. I’ve almost finished the final draft so then we get down into editing :joy: I’m also working on the second editions for books 1 and 2. Personally, I think the covers came out very well :relieved:


A million things but nothing at the same time.


No matter what, at least it was not Daniel Larson.

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Strangely, he wasn’t on the ballot in my state. We only had the malicious spoiler Jill Stein, whom I’m embarrassed to say I voted for once, years ago. Fortunately we won’t see her for another four years now. She just pops out to destroy democracy and then crawls back to her cave. (♯^.^ღ)


One thing I can say for Daniel Larson is that he doesn’t represent the working class, he represents the homeless, disabled, and drug addicted demographics. A voice for the unheard and downtrodden.

He also pulled the fire alarm at Olive Garden for no reason and has been kicked out of more establishments than you would believe.


Still working on Azurean Shadows (my paranormal/mystery experiment XD), not going to participate in any Nano-like events.


Three novel projects, though that will become four when I go back to Project Succession.


Adding a new crochet project to this! I’m currently working on a Snoopy plush as a Christmas gift


My patience with waiting for my Amazon package…


Two possibly three stand alone novels.

  1. One is an urban fantasy.
  2. The second is an adventurous science-fantasy.
  3. The third is up in the air but possibly an alternate universe…maybe.

I added my own update. You guys want to add yours’?


I didn’t even have to call you XD
Hi Qualeshia :wink:

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