What are your projects and favorite things? And let's chat :D

The anime is really long like 1,029 episodes long while the manga is 1,056 chapters long.

I am all caught up with the anime and manga both. I enjoy the One Piece fanbase to some extent. I say that because the crazies are still lingering about, but their cool enough. LOL!

Which episode are on you currently on now?


Genre wise: J-pop, Pop, R&B, Some Rap, Epic Instrumental, and Metal I even listen to some K-pop too.

I don’t have a favorite artist or song. Just genres of music that I am drawn to.

It was so hard coming up with a title for this short story I’ve written that involves giant mushrooms that are causing problems for humanity. It still is because I am not entirely sold on the title. Maybe that will change.


Name: Kelly

Pronouns: She/her

Country: United States

Projects: I’m currently on a Writing Hiatus, but here’s my current project:

*The Dark Between Dreams Chronicles*

A trilogy about gay, sword-wielding ghosts that fight monsters in the afterlife. Yes, it’s as dumb as it sounds. :ghost::crossed_swords::ghost:

Book 1: The Dark Between Dreams
Being rewritten/edited In which the sun explodes and there are spiders everywhere.

Book 2: Hollow is the Heart
Being rewritten/edited Now there’s an edgelord ghost running around turning people into zombies. The spiders are gone, but now there’s slug monsters.

Book 3: The Slayer of Stars
-Planning Idk. Something something ghost serial killer.

Favorite things: Favorite animal: foxes, Favorite band/s: Ghost and Starset, TV Show: Dexter and Parks and Rec, Random favorites: Halloween, ghosts, creepy stuff

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yeah :sweat_smile: if the constant memes about how long it is weren’t a dead giveaway, the fact that it started in 1999 and is still getting regular updates would be.

i’m doing my best to stay out of the fanbase just because of how bad the bnha one is, but i appreciate that the lingering one piece crazies aren’t all over my social media u~u


… so far along, i know.


Oh wow! That you are very far along. LOL!


Should I go back and finish a previous project? I have a few ideas.


It’s pronounced zay - lin. I also go by Lyn if it’s easier.

Honestly? Not sure why I love androids so much. I’ve just always found the concept to be intriguing. Something not human, but intelligent enough to adopt human behavior, yet still treated as an outlier. I’m interested in exploring that dynamic and how someone would react to being treated that way, especially when some people would view them as only a machine, and some would see them as actual people, and then there would be all thise in between. It would cause a lot of conflict, both internal and external, which is great for stories. It’s just fascinating to me. I’ve always related to a lot of robots in media, like David in Prometheus, or Sonny in I-robot. Not sure why, they just always meant a lot to me.


I will create my dino team into D&D classes.

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Going from what you already have… I think the bee idea works. And the guy who wants to take over the world. And the fairy idea. How about if you worked in more bee into the story? Since all worker bees are female, you could maybe have a court with a queen and they’re all bee-fairies. They usually stay small, but turn into normal-sized humans around humans. That’s like their basic magic and why the girl was able to transform to normal size outside the jar. They even know human tech and language and everything.

Okay, brainstorming here. How about this?

Maybe the guy is also a bee-fairy and he wants the throne. So, he figures out a way to trap all the worker bee-fairies. The honey is actually magic that keeps the bee-fairies’ powers weak and keeps them tiny, so they can’t do anything. Even after the girl escapes from the honey, her powers are too weak and she can only change her size, but not use any magic or fly.

The reason she ends up with humans is that “accidentally” some of the jars of honey get sold to humans, so the guy must go and retrieve them.

He can still be called the retriever because maybe he’s obsessed with getting back all the jars because he doesn’t want to face the worker bee-fairies because they’re stronger than him.

But the real reason the jars went to humans is because the queen tried to save her workers by setting it up so the jars of honey would be sold to humans and not end up in the shelves locked up somewhere in the guy’s fort or whatever. The girl’s jar is taken away and that’s when the queen is caught. The guy kills the queen (or it looks like he does?). The girl saw this happening, being the last jar to leave the fort, and that’s the bad memory she doesn’t want to remember? She doesn’t want to remember she saw the (supposed) death of her queen.

Maybe there are still a lot of jars with trapped worker bee-fairies and the girl must go rescue them and save the queendom? With the help of humans?

This is somehow reminding me of Smurfs the movie :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, it counts. And oh gosh, good luck.

What is darkwear fashion? And what do you like about it?

lol, that does sound like fun XD Just out of curiosity, have you ever tried snowboarding? If not, would you?

Congrats! :grin:

Maybe you do a joke title like, There’s No More Shroom Left (you know, instead of no more room left? get it? :stuck_out_tongue: ) Just a silly idea.

Ron Weasley will cry.

What’s an edgelord?

Heeeey :raised_hands: Me, too! And I can’t wait for Halloween, can you? :wink:

Instead of working on a completely new story, you mean?

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Got it :grin:

Interesting. Have you heard of this AI…I can’t remember what it was called… G…something. And it can answer questions about whether it is self-aware.
(a few minutes later…) Okay, I found it. GPT 3. It’s kind of freaky. You can find clips of interviews on YouTube. And what are your thoughts on Data from Star Trek?

Do you have an all-time favorite dino?

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As a document itself, I haven’t looked at it in roughly three years… which was back in September of 2019 because that was when I was uploading it to Wattpad twice a week. :sweat_smile:

But on Wattpad, I have occasionally looked at it from time to time, but not exactly reading it. I’ll click on a chapter and skim through to refresh my memory on how good or bad the story actually is. Partially because I did say I was going to make a sequel for it since it ended on a cliffhanger, but as I’ve been thinking on it recently, it’s too far gone, I think. Maybe one day, but I have many other story ideas I have in mind and a sequel for it isn’t one of them. Which, honestly, is a bummer because I have the perfect title for it, too: Into the Darkness. xD

But... it's about...

The story takes place in the mountains of Colorado during Christmastime, and it’s about a group of characters—all college aged—getting ready to celebrate the holidays after being away from each other for a while and trying to make my main character, Asher, happier as he still grieves for his mother who passed away three years prior. So, they all head up to Asher’s old family vacation house in the mountains, away from society. But while they’re celebrating, one of their friends randomly dies and then their whole world goes upside down as it seems someone is toying with them: cars aren’t working and they have no means of contacting anyone as they have no phone service, no internet service, and the house they’re staying in is five or so miles away from the nearest house up the mountain and over forty miles away from the nearest town… plus, it’s the middle of winter. But as they try to figure out how to get back to society, other people start dying… and while everyone is focused on contacting someone else, Asher’s focused on finding out who is doing this and why… and wonders if it could be one of his own friends.

It’s a typical cabin in the woods story, though I tried not to make it too cliche like most are because it’s not what I’m into. The book is also loosely inspired by the video game Until Dawn. :wink:

I tend to read YA the most between other target audiences, but I do dabble in NA and adult. As for sci-fi and fantasy, I have been picking up a lot of those genres mostly because it’s what I’m currently working on: I want to get a good grasp on the genre as I write. But I do read a lot of different genres across the board: romance, horror, historical fiction, contemporary, etc. I love many various genres, though I don’t pick up many because I am a mood reader. So, sometimes I’ll pick up a YA contemporary more than I would an adult horror or thriller novel just because it’s what I feel like reading at the moment. :sweat_smile:

Some of the ones I've read (not sci-fi or fantasy) that are definitely memorable are...

A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly (YA historical fiction).

My Thirteenth Winter by Samantha Abeel (non-fiction/memoir).

The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls (non-fiction/memoir).

The Last Goodbye by Fiona Lucas (adult romance/drama).

Dear Evan Hansen by Benj Pasek, Val Emmich, Steven Levenson, Justin Paul (YA contemporary—a Broadway screenplay-turned-to-novel adaption).

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (YA thriller mystery).

What about you? What are the genres and target audiences you typically read and write in?

YES. She’s so talented!

Also, what’s Dead by Sunrise about? Sounds super cool!!


What kind of ideas do you have in mind?


Therinzinosaurus, the Reaping Lizard

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Ah yes, the typical cabin in the woods. A typical one, but a goodie. I’ve probably watched way too many movies of college kids getting stuck in cabins and dying one by one XD The very famous Evil Dead was a cabin story wasn’t it?

I talk too much about horror movies

A different kind of movie that followed a similar cabin story was “You’re Next” (2011). They were all in a house and the mysterious attacks were coming from outside. Not a completely remote area, but the events happened late at night. I can’t remember when the attackers in masks came out. It was interesting how they did the twist though :eyes: I wouldn’t say it was a good twist, but I won’t spoil it in case you haven’t see it.

Interestingly, the Japanese title of that movie was “Surprise” which was what intrigued me to watch the movie :stuck_out_tongue: I wouldn’t say it was a great movie, but I thought it was a different take on the cabin cliche.

Anyway, I could talk about horror movies for too long XD

I’ve heard this one was good.

I’m the same as you. I love various genres but I’m a mood reader :stuck_out_tongue: I went through a long, long phase of reading middle grade fantasy and now I’m taking a break reading some gritty thriller/mystery with murders.

For reading...

I read anything and everything that catches my eye. Except romance. Not that I don’t like it, but I’m not interested :sweat_smile:

I’ve come across some pretty interesting books. “Her Fearful Symmetry” was a book my mom had but didn’t read so I got it. It was so, so cringy, but let me tell you, it’s an experience and you might think you’ll regret it, but it really leaves an impression on you. I keep wanting to talk about it. That says something, right?

For writing...

I write YA or NA fantasy with often a lot of mystery and self-love journey and friendship-building in it. If I do write more adult fiction, it’s focused on families and relationships between different types of people, and social status and that sort of thing. Inspired by Anna Karenina and other Russian classics, and Father Goriot.

What it's about:

First, thank you! I’m glad you think so :blush:

Dead By Sunrise is the sequel to Alive At Crepusculum. The duology is about two seers, good and bad, who never meet face-to-face.

The good seer is a retired legendary detective and his whole story is about mending his relationship with his son and dealing with some resurfaced fame and possibly a returned enemy.

The bad seer is an immortal assassin with a demon companion and he’s obsessed with finding the elusive good seer to kill him while also trying to maintain his assassin organization, and trying to control the world from the shadows by killing rich people.

With an omniscient view, the story looks at the two seers and those around them like a policeman friend or a supportive wife, a former client, or a cult follower. Alive At Crepusculum takes place in a country inspired by 1850s USA called United Arcan, and Dead By Sunrise takes place in a country inspired by 1850s Egypt called Iptaj.

In both, there’s lots of demons, death, dark humor, and savage commentary.

I renamed all thirty states (which was the number of states in the US around 1855 or so and this was before the Civil War, which, in the books, remains as the only accurate part of history, but before it can happen, we find the characters in Iptaj in Book 2.)

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The one that’s more bird like or more lizard like?

This one looks kind of nice. Like a dino emu. I feel like there’s a Pokémon like this.

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I haven’t and no I wouldn’t. Getting up hills and general movement is a lot harder with a snowboard

Thankieeee. Still got a long way to go


Name: I go by Dream or Cloud (Cloud is more of a nickname)
Pronouns: she/her
Country: USA

Friendship Links

This is a LinkedUniverse fanfiction where I post random stuff that the Links and other characters do

From Warrior to Miner

This is a Minecraft and Warrior Cats crossover fanfiction where Firepaw, an apprentice of ThunderClan, falls into a portal that takes him to the world of Minecraft, and he has to figure out how to get back to his Clan…maybe fighting the Ender Dragon with a gang of stray village cats along the way?

I’m aware both need better titles still.

A few favorite things: Zelda, Minecraft, Warrior Cats, writing and my pets (of course) and YouTube


I have seen a bit about it! It’s pretty cool. I also love Data from Star Trek, he’s great. Easily my favorite Star Trek character.