Apparently Ao3 (ArchiveOfOurOwn) has been down for over 24 hours and people have been losing their minds (according to Twitter and multiple other Google mentions). I’m curious, what do you do when you can’t get to your favorite reading site?
Some people have shared they’re upset they need to head to Wattpad as a backup .
i’ve been playing a lot of games on my phone ( i even spent $20 on an in game top-up ) but i’ve also been reading some books from the library and writing some stuff for my WIP. i can’t use wattpad as a sub fo AO3, the quality is so inconsistent.
Earlier this year I was reading memoirs and stuff but now i’m really into nature being metal, i guess? I’m reading Death in Yellowstone (2nd edition!!), which is a park ranger that catalogues all the negligent (on the park goers parts) deaths in Yellowstone since the park opened. Next on my list is Rabid, which is the about the history and origins of rabies.
I’m struggling with “real” books at the moment and their length. Can you suggest to me 5 good books under 150 pages that are interesting? (Yeah, I know I have a TBR pile to get through but I need back into the swing of things lol).