What is the first thing your character does in the story? (include NaNo)

Characters’ first acts in Goddess v2.0

Dr Lander: Ask his anaesthetised patient (Freyja) to remain asleep, otherwise his plan is ruined.

Polanski: Apologise to Lander for their late arrival to the hospital’s theatre. Friday evening traffic in Tel Aviv remains hell on wheels.

Krista: Rebukes Lander for suggesting she is a child (calling her ‘Little Red’ because of her jacket). Krista insists she’s not a child; she’s fourteen.

Dov: Tells the others why he knows Lander / how they have met before. Dov was a former patient of the highly skilled yet chutzpah-infused doctor.

Freyja: Sleeps through chapter one, and wraps around Dov (while still asleep) when he picks her up off the steel surgery bed…This becomes Freyja’s instinctive reflex to being carried by Dov…

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Aw, that’s sweet :relaxed:

So in the story I’m updating on Wattpad, the first thing Hailey does comes back to university after break. In its sequel, she is working.

The story I’m half working on NaNo, Sage is finishing up her work day before joining the family she works for in a celebratory dinner

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The first thing that Lucian does in Among the Fallen is get himself beaten to a pulp… :sob:

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I remember that :weary: Poor guy.

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I’m nearing the end of the novel, and there’ll be some reveal as to why it happens… but still… :frowning:

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