What is your current excuse for not writing?

current excuse: uni

And yeah, am a perfectionist. Will rewrite endlessly until I have the right word. Most of the time I will return to written stuff too and change it :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I’m not writing because I need to plan out my screenplay first

Currently, because it’s dinner time.

No, I write even when it sucks just to keep the momentum going.


Right now? Because I’m exhausted and I finished one of my 3 WIPs last night. I’ve also been suffering migraines the past 2 days.
Typically, I write in the evenings anyway. It’s lunchtime here, so I’m not behind or anything.

Also my brain is very tired XD the book I’ve just finished sucked the life out of me so I might take a writing break tonight. might :rofl:
I usually write every day so I’ll see how long my fingers and brain will last without writing tonight :eyes:


I really don’t have a valid excuse. (shrug)

My story’s all plotted out. I’m just editing and rewriting it. I don’t have writer’s block. I also don’t mind if my writing sucks or not, because these stories are just for me.

Just whenever I sit down at my computer to actually write, I can’t do it. Not a single word. I think the physical act of writing is repulsing me for some reason.

Brain don’t work.


Okay, in truth, I wanted revenge on Aven. I didn’t specify names because I didn’t know if Raeth deserved to be put through it, but now I know that none of the sirens deserve it, and I just have to let Aven be Aven, no matter how excruciating it is and how mad he makes me.


Like I really do want to do something with Moray because I love Moray, but I’m not sure if the current idea I have for Moray is fitting. Like I feel it would know if it had a sibling. And I don’t wanna risk romance with Moray.


My current excuse is: I’m not in the right mental headspace… I just feel tired, demotivated and just cant seem to write anything.

yes and no. I have to constantly remind myself ‘the first draft is allowed to be :poop:’ and once I get into that mantra I’m usually fine. But starting off is so hard and it takes me a while because I obsess over every word.

Technically speaking all sprites are sort of siblings. Since they’re all born from the same magic and source and not from each other they don’t have normal families. They consider all sprites siblings

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Ooh, that’s interesting. Moray is very interesting. I’ve recently found out that Jayna will be accompanying Mercy in the character chat. Let’s just say there will be more than one book in this universe. The two aren’t on the same wavelength. They both want different things out of Aven, but Mercy allows Jayna to accompany her Aven can help with the plot of book 2.

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Fun. I’ll try to get Aven to lurk so hopefully he’ll be ready to chat. I will warn you, Westley has the flu so we’ll see how he’s feeling over the weekend but I might be a little slow to respond

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Aww, I hope your son feels better soon. And I hope you can get Aven lurking. If you’re able to get him lurking today, that would be great, because the sooner I can get Mercy to shut up about him, and not have me taking notes during class about what she plans to say, the better. But at least it’s better than her bickering with Keanna XD. P.S. I don’t think my college friends understand me when I say that my character is annoying me XD

And just when I mention Keanna, she pops into my brain. And she’s fantasizing about demons.

I’m busy watching this

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I just woke up and haven’t had my coffee yet.

I feel like this is an all-time great excuse that can be used for almost anything.

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I’m at work more times then not. There’s only so many interruptions I can handle before the chapter turns into a mess.

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I’m tired

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Not that I need everything perfect, but I will occasionally need to inact some sort of ritual behavior. I associate a lot of smells, tastes, etc. to particular events and feelings. So, sometimes to write something I ‘need’ to have a particular candle burning. Perhaps I want to have a bowl of noodles. Or wear a certain type of fabric.

I don’t do this too often, though.

I actually have a good excuse this time: homework. Lots of homework. Too much homework.


I’m the same way with sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Somehow they help me focus.

That’s a solid excuse. And welcome to Wacky Writers. :slightly_smiling_face:

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