What is your highlight of the year so far!!!!

Hmm I’m guessing you can be an insufferable tourist too huh :smirk:

O that does sound sad. Well at least there are still ppl performing it so it’s not nearly as forgotten :slightly_smiling_face:

When the ppl ask, I’ll tell em you said it not me :zipper_mouth_face: :rofl:

Yep! There is still so much that could happen this the remaining few weeks.

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Awesome! :fox_face: :raised_hands:

It’s good to take a moment and highlight the highlights, isn’t it? Sometimes you can get so bogged down in the moment and forget what you really have accomplished.

I got a cover professionally made by my dream cover artist Uwe Jarling (look him up, his art is AWESOME).

I’m also getting another cover for another book by a different artist. It’s a mixed media cover that looks so cool.

I started a YouTube channel:

I got Beta Readers for my portal fantasy book Between Roses.

And no clients yet, but I started offering artist services to fund my self-publishing journey.

I think that’s about it. The writing life has been mainly editing although I am doing NaNoWriMo right now.

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Yep so is :grin: It’s always good to take time to appreciate the small wins ya know.

Omg that’s so lovely to hear :sob: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m so bad, okay maybe not that bad, but I’m not good at cover designing :sweat_smile: Anyways that’s real nice for you. I’ll def look him up sometime soon!!

Girl (I hope you’re a girl or don’t mind me saying that lol) that’s fantastic news!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: When did you start it and also have you been enjoying it so far? Ik making content your viewers will enjoy isn’t easy but I trust your channel’s gng well. Yet another thing I’ll look up :wink:

More good news for you :scream: Seems to like your highlights have been writer related, and that’s so good for you!!!

Btw best of luck with your writing for NaNoWriMo :hugs: :hugs:

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Yeah, you got it right :wink: and thanks. I always had one (like from…idk 2012? 2013? or so) but I fumbled around for what content to post for the longest time and I wanted to do something faceless. Some months ago, I came across an article on the best fantasy tropes and thought I’d react to it. That was the start.

I put my link in my initial response post if you’re curious. They are all long-form content. The idea is that you just have me on in the background while you do things. I recently got a microphone, so I’m hoping for better audio from here on.

I have subscribers (some from the previous version of the channel :sweat_smile: ) and a few new ones. But idk if anyone is sticking. At least they’re not unsubscribing :stuck_out_tongue:

whispers You can subscribe…if you want.

Thank you! :blush:

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Hasn’t happened yet, but my wedding! Less than a month left :see_no_evil:.

(And then I’ll be able to human again and actually do things I love - wedding planning takes a lot!)


That’s one way to go about it :joy: What about the article stood out the most for you tho?

Question: I watched a writer YT video a while back and they said that the fantasy book writing industry is sorta declining. Ppl aren’t as invested in fantasy anymore or smthg like that, do you share the same sentiment or not?

You just answered my unasked question :sweat_smile: Well then that means you’re doing pretty well with your channel :hugs:

Lol lemme first view your channel and we’ll see if you won yourself my subscription :wink:

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Omfg a wedding!!! :scream: :partying_face: :partying_face: I looooove weddings, esp the food part and ncooh I’m so happy for you :blush: Girl that’s one heck of a highlight!!!

So if you don’t mind me asking, what’s the theme? are your mermaid dress kinda girl? and also am I getting an invite? :joy: :joy:

ps. I hope ya ain’t no Bridzilla :rofl:

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thank you! :purple_heart:

no theme, just close and direct family this go around and then next year we having the big one we initially planned with all the family and friends. :blush:

I actually keep getting yelled at because I’m like not that involved XD I said they ain’t gonna stress me xD

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The bold claims of “21 Popular Fantasy Tropes” and how, by the end of the article, the author was obviously running out of tropes XD

I think it’s not that people aren’t invested. It’s that they aren’t given much choice. Right now, the market is saturated with the samey-samey stuff. There’s the fae, the werewolves, the vampires, and the witches, and the teens who figure out they have magic. Sometimes dragons might grace our shelves. Honestly, I haven’t seen anything particularly new make it big in quite some time.

Maybe people are tired of what’s in the market these days.

I honestly don’t know :sweat_smile: I don’t get any feedback either :sweat_smile: I’m hoping if I’m consistent, I can get a little more traction. Also, hoping that I can figure out more ways to be an entertaining voice. The last video, I feel like I did a pretty good job.

Fair :grin:

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Small and intimate huh :melting_face: I love that!!!

Lol well you’re at least involved with you wedding dress. They really mustn’t stress, weddings are stressful enough with fam and friends adding to your long list of stressors :raised_hands:

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Sounds like you had a lot to say about that. I’ll have to watch your videos then :joy:

O yeah I’ve noticed as much. From my reader pov, writers just pretty much recycle the same ideas. I mean they toss in a bit of something new here and there, but nothing that like has you so hooked ya know. Not all writers are the same ofc, but the one’s whose books I’ve read kinda use the same concept or idea and do some sort of spinoff to it. It’s nice and all but idk, it doesn’t seat well with me.

Anyways who am I to judge, I haven’t written anything in years so idk the writing struggle :smiling_face_with_tear:

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yep! I’m big on energy, so I don’t want everybody in the world there - only ppl I’m cool with.

getting the wedding dress fitted this weekend, hehe.

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And that’s how it should be. Spending such an important day with the ppl you’re cool with.

Well I hope you like it and that it fits :sweat_smile: I’ve seen way too many brideshows where the dress doesn’t fit and it puts the bride behind schedule.

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it fits now, just a smidge too big on the sides and bum, so gotta shrink it XD.they said they can rush it if I need, but it doesn’t need to be done until mid next month.

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O no plz don’t rush it. Rushed work, esp on a wedding dress doesn’t always turn out so good :sob: Still, the alterations they have to do are rather easy ones imo. So idt you’ll have any problems when you go for your fitting :))))


Oh yeah XD

I then went on to finding the “best” writing advice website and…oh boy, did I find some wild ones :sweat_smile: You might think Master Class would have awesome advice… well… :grimacing:

YA fantasy might be saturated, but MG fantasy is shining. Absolutely shining. Such unique, awesome stories there. You should try “The Storm Keeper’s Island” trilogy. There’s candles that hold memories and secrets :open_mouth:

What genre writer are you? Fantasy?

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You’re in luck coz I have 2 months worth of free time to read xD I’ll def look for these and add them to my long tbr list

Paranormal romance. I once tried my hand at fantasy here :sweat_smile: I forgot the user’s name but she had a micro-fiction challenge in like 2021. I wrote a short fantasy from one of the prompts and it was well received. I’ll try the fantasy route someday tho.

You write fantasy tho ryt?

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Yeah I just need them to make me look like a coke bottle :joy:.

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Good luck on your TBR list :wink:

On the topic of books, what are some of your favorite books?

Modern era? Or in some historical time in the past?

Yep. All kinds. Recently, I’ve been expanding a collection of portal fantasy stories. All the MCs in each book begin in a normal, non-magical world then they go through a portal somehow to another realm where there’s magick. Usually, they have to save someone or help someone in order to be able to leave. Usually, they have some kind of personal connection to the place which either they didn’t know about before or knew very little of before.

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This year sucked in so many ways for me, and I cannot wait to move onto the next one.

The highlight would’ve been traveling to California in the summer—going to the beach, visiting Disneyland twice (which included going to California Adventure for the first time), and so many more fun things.

Plans for next year? Moving. My sister who lives in Ohio (I live in Kansas with two of three sisters) is pregnant and is due in December (we’re going up to see her for the holidays, and to greet our first niece, the first addition to the family) and we’re wanting to move closer to not only help out, but to be with our sister since we only see her once or twice a year. On top of that, my oldest sister and I are done with our jobs, done with small town life, and want to live close or in the city so we have more things to do on the weekends because this place sucks.

I’m also hoping to get through a few more revisions between now and next summer, and move onto querying for the first time. I don’t have any hope, though, because I said that last year. xD