What Popular Music Sounded Like Before the Beatles


Yes, they actually played this monstrocity on the radio. Yes, Frank Sinatra actually was on this record. No, the person who wrote this was not banned from ever writing songs again.



Sounds like the 40s version of Watch Me Whip. Honestly, we have worse music than this. :rofl: They also probably didn’t care about the lyrics if Frank Sinatra sang it because, like now, people wouldn’t necessarily care as much as long as you’re a good singer. I mean, think of Rebecca Black with Friday. People trolled that song, but did because her voice wasn’t strong then, and they couldn’t get over it—the lyrics were bad, her voice was nasally, etc.

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I think it’s worse because it has howling dogs. And Dagmar.

Very memetic in a sense, at least.

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Half singing half talking is called Spretchsting (not spelled right at all), it’s a very specific style, and more done in Salsa/Jazz.

This wasn’t what I normally listened to, at all, from him.

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I understand, what I don’t understand is the people who saw chemistry between Frank and Dagmar. It’s painful to hear her monotone nonsense phrases in-between his crooning, at least for me.

It’s a song done in fun. The Beatle’s whole Yellow Submarine was junk songs because they didn’t want to a Monty Python style cartoon. I’ve heard the records of theirs that didn’t make it big (their fan club records)-just eew.

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Not every album can be Revolver

I am tempted to sample the “papa will spank” and “mama will bark” parts :flushed:


They are strange indeed

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I know right? :flushed: Imagine turning that into a 1940s reggaeton song :wink:

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Ole Blue Eyes still has a long way to go to sink to the depths of psychedelic psychosis known as the Shaggs. (ノ_<、)ヾ(´▽`)

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But the Shaggs weren’t on the top 40!

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It’s from a similar ethnic background so it wouldn’t surprise me.


Yeah, I should totally do that.

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Anything written after 1860 sucks ~ Jed Bartlet, The West Wing.


Well, if you thought that was good, take a look at this

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@Akje I see that you seem to enjoy it.

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Enjoy is probably not the right word, but it’s…erm…definitely different. (>‿◠):v:

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Oh god I now want to just dump about how genre is an illusion but I haven’t listened to the song yet so–

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It has howling dogs. One of the most annoying songs in the whole world.

And if genre is an illusion, why hasn’t Hoizer toured with Whitesnake yet?