What projects are you working on here recently?

I generally wrote fantasy, like magical realism. Or paranormal. Something with a fantastical theme lol I’ve had romance ideas but I never set out to write them.

Oh! So cool! I love that idea!

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Kind of? The one is a short story compilation, the other is a main novel?

Kind of but at the same time no lol though I think I get the gist of it, that sounds like a lot of fun!

:pleading_face: I’m sorry to hear about your mental problems, but hopefully you get help for that <3

Oh same! It’s pretty much the only thing I watch and I have been trying to get into other stuff. I watch Anime, but I’ve gotten more into reading the manga than watching the shows.

I’ve been wanting to try writing a male mc but keep going back to females. I’m just used to writing them when it comes to fictional projects.

Oh nice! Fleshing out ideas is always fun, I enjoy the brainstorming process of any project lol

I like smaller casts. It’s easier to keep track of, though my romance has a semi-big cast. Not too big to where I’d get confused, but big enough.

:open_mouth: That sounds super cool! I’m intrigued!

Oh dang that’s a lot of projects! Good luck with them all! I can barely keep up with three lol


Not really short story because it is much longer than a short story. LOL!

It is and thanks.

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I have too many characters who argue for attention, I can’t narrow down the list :joy: thank god for color coded schedules

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I know this feeling lol

Ahh thank you! It’s definitely a passion project!

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I’m working on my first adult fantasy book! It’s the first book in a trilogy and is rated mature for graphic violence and gore. The plot revolves around an amnesiac protagonist with fire and lightning powers, as well as his ultra-powerful mentor.

I didn’t expect to write a book this mature but, well, my characters steered the story in a way that it has to be rated so :sweat_smile:


thanks so much!

hey, all to it for you–doing what you love keeps the motivation going haha

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Max is annoying me. He wants a project!

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Those are the best projects imo! Love passion projects!

I know that feeling lol the characters tend to do what they want when you write :joy:

So true! It helps to write what you enjoy writing, and I really love angst and this current project is filled with it lol

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Yes! This is a book that has my heart and soul in it!

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The project I am working on atm isn’t really a passion project, but it’s a project that I am looking forward to working on whenever I get the chance to. So I think that’s also a good goal to have :muscle:


Yes, it is! It’s the love and excitement that matters!

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@rubyauthoresque can you kill max for me?

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Probably not XD

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Exactly! As long as you love whatever project you’re working on is what matters <3



Oh, tell me about it. My characters are just so rebellious sometimes. One couple from another book just couldn’t keep away from each other, so instead of implying they got into a relationship at the end of the book, they officially became a couple two-thirds into the story and ended the book with a passionate make out session on the main character’s bed.

Characters :unamused:


I always write romance! :heart_eyes: Tell us more!

Personally, I’m writing my first romance with a mystery/thriller subgenre, and it’s challenging, but really fun!

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Oh yes. Character romances always do that to me. Somehow they end up much closer and do it much faster than I anticipated. So now, instead of having a slow burn with an open ending for the relationship, I have two characters with cute scenes in act one, and they officially talk about their relationship around halfway through the story.