What roles does your MAIN character(s) play in your story? (READ BEFORE YOU COMMENT)

Bethany’s role is forced upon her and which she does really well. She’s a shield for herself and for her mother. Bethany herself thinks she’s doing it because her mom’s organization is secret, but that’s a whole big lie.

Given a new life, new identity, new personality and everything, she does exactly what mommy dearest wants her to do—be completely opposite from herself almost 24/7. It’s quite toxic and messes with her mind, but she does it flawlessly. At school, she’s a popular mean girl. Think Regina George. But Bethany at her core (which she has lost right now) is not like Regina at all.

So far, the role is being this mean girl for “protection” whenever out in public.

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So, her role is the protector?

Wow. He switches more jobs than I switch plot ideas.

LOL…sorry that was rude of me.

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Which story do you want me to describe?

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My main is a firefighter. He’s average at his job, but tries hard. He’s a good son to his father but is estranged from his mother in the beginning, but will make moves to fix it by the end. As a lover, he is WIP and greatly improving at it by the end.

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Any one of your desire.

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So, a good son and becoming a better lover?

Sounds like a cool guy? He is a cool guy, right?

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Okay, uh…

  • Julio is a mechanic and he works for Max (his bff) and they run a company called Rivera Bros. (named after Max’s surname). Julio mainly runs the office but sometimes helps out in the garage.

  • He also is a medium who talks to ghosts and helps them across to the afterlife and the other side.

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A bit of a jerk, actually, but hoping to make him into wounded and overwhelmed in the next draft.

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There’s some good character development coming his way, I see!

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Her role is the unwilling protector / victim.

I think XD I’m pantsing it. Idk what will happen.


Geez, you are really hard on Bethany.


In Marvela Mystic, my MC Marvela is a kitten whose role is that of a familiar for a witch, a role which she’s comfortable with. She’s thrown out of her comfort zone a bit after her role changes and she ends up with the powers of a full witch and has to look after her own familiar.

In The Dark Between Dreams, Skye becomes a scavenger, a ghost who searches the perilous wasteland of the afterlife for objects carried over from the living realm, and hauls them to the ghost city for trade.

In Hollow is the Heart, Webb is also a ghost who was a former scavenger now turned (mostly unemployed) monster hunter who is in charge of keeping the city safe.

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Yep. Because she’s the main character :smirk:

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Ooh, so devious. LOL!

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Mwahahaha :smiling_imp:

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Time is the leader of the group.

Twilight is the dad of the group.

Sky is the most humble.

Hyrule is the smartest out of any of them.

Legend is the teenager of the group.

Four is quiet, although the different sides of him can sometimes alter how he acts in a situation.

Warrior has the biggest sense of belonging.

Wild is the most distrustful.

Wind is the brother of the group.

Wolfie is the dog of the group.

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So, I gotta ask something as read your comment, is this a fanfic or an original story?

It’s a fanfic for LinkedUniverse.

both of my stories are fanfics just not the same fandom.

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