When writing a character with an age different than your own, what is one thing you should know?

It depends on the yard, for the horndogs. You shoud hear my father complain about men not getting work done because a female happens to work the yard. He thought they’d tip a boat when one of the Mardi Gras crews had a party barge float by with nubile call girls in nothing but stilletos. Dad came out to find out what the heck was going on and went back to work because he didn’t want none of their stupid. But then he worked with guys he didn’t want his girls to date. Things like Brittany Spears posters tacked to the ceiling of their trucks, counting down the days u til she turned 18, like they had a chance .

We’re mostly non-union. There’s more unions out towards New Orleans then my neck of the woods.


Dad’s got a very dark sense of humor and has always picked on coworkers.

One of the guys they called Brokeback because he thought that both men and women have sperm . Not a very bright guy. Dad preferred to mess with guys that were a tad smarter. One time, he hauled me into an adult store to go pick up a “Lifesize” penis sucker that he put in someone’s locker. Guy lost his mind and accused everyone of doing it. About 2 weeks later, that sucker showed up in the mail with stickers of various cities all over it: to show he knew who did it. Guy is practically squirming, asking him about the package delivered. Dad’s like “Yeah I got the sucker, but why was it only an inch tall?” I think that guy was called Stump (for obvious reasons) and we’re an area that always has signs for Stump Grinding (leveling the base of dead trees so you can pass a mower over it).


You have an interesting family. But yeah, that’s some high grade ball busting.

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Needless to say, I can usually write pranks out. Aware of too many pranks and insults.

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Ah. I think that’s a a very different kind of shipyard.

Sounds lovely.

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They are ship builders, not container logistics.


Dad’s scaffolding broke once and dumped him in the Intercoastal with alligators, and he had to surface in thick fire retardant clothes and steel toe boots. He missed having a whole sheet of ship hull falling on him by just minutes. He’s had the welding machine taken off the scaffolding of his OSHA harness’s rope hanging up on it, and that nearly landing on top of him. And he’s crawled through pipe smaller men get stuck in while ignoring the tendency towards claustrophobia. Just a tough job.


That is a tough job indeed.
The union would have a field day if our yard workers were put in situations like that.

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This was back when OSHA required 12 ft of rope on 8ft scaffolding.the government safety was dangerous. (As showed with the rope catching on the welding machine.)

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