Why do I really need a large desk space? READ BEFORE COMMENTING!

Honestly, I tend to like large desk space because of the simple fact that it is larger and I get to add more stuff I think I need on my desk to make it nice and pretty.

But honestly, when it comes to desks, I am always changing it around or buying something new. I sit at my desk EVERY SINGLE DAY and because of that I tend to get very bored very fast along with trying to find that one desks that will suit my needs.

I honestly don’t know what my needs are. I am very flaky when it comes to buying and using my desks. I hate it and will always blame ADHD for that.

The desk I have now is the l-shaped desk that I’ve been showing on here. Actually, there is too much space and I hate it. Like I have space for writing and I BARELY use that part. It is just there just in case, but my god, I need a space that is smaller, but makes sense and have enough storage.

I hate writing by hand or even jotting down notes. I prefer computer than to physical write by hand unless I have to.

Some of my notes are handwritten, but I honestly prefer typing my things out. I just need space that makes sense for computer and some writing if I am up for it.

I have a picture of the desk I have been eyeing, but even though it is small, I like the look of it. If it were 55 x 24, then I would be okay, but that is still so much space or some other type of problem that will come.

I hate how flaky and indecisive I am with desk and it bothers me. I do want to stop wasting precious time and energy on desks and wasting so much money too.

Yet when it comes to me, I will hyper fixate on it till I actually get it.

It’s either too much space or not enough. There’s never any just the right amount of space.

What do you think? Thoughts and feelings?

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Here is the desk itself:

It’s pretty though.

Also, the measurement of the desk is this:
Length: 47.25
Width: 17.99
Height: 29.92

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I have a modwstly long desk. Part of it holds the printer and anothe rpart holds kids’ snacks from when they last watched a movie. I really use thw sapcw where my butt sits across from. Everything else about it is storage.


I have a small desk at one end of my room for my iMac/computer stuff and at the other side of the room, I have the one with the old iMac/Mac Mini. And a smaller table for other stuff. It’s working out well for me.


Personally, I would say the more desk space, the better it is. I tend to have my laptop, books, pens and papers scattered about so having a long and wide desk suits that purpose. My current desk is long but too cramped for me to freely move and reach for whatever I want with ease.

Perhaps something with a larger width and smaller length might be better? That way, it’s not too much space but it still might be roomy.

And as always, the best thing to do is go to the nearest furniture store and test out the desks there. That way, you can get a physical feel of the desk before buying compared to ordering it online.


I have a desk top computer, a second monitor, a 12.4 inch tablet that I use.

I like having my desktop, but I still don’t get why got it, but I did want something bit bigger, but then I might get that it’s too big thing.

It is annoying as hell! I love space, but I want to make sense of the space that I use on my desk and be comfortable there for long hours.

The only thing I do at my desk is procrastinate with nonsense, watch YouTube or anime, or write my stories when I am ready to write.

Seriously, it is a pain in the ass for me. I just want things to make a bit of sense.

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Wow, you have two desks in your room, huh?
How big is your room?!

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Not very big :joy: They are small desks.

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Ah. LOL!

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I need a huge desk since I have two of those HP all-in-one computers, printer, books and other stuff on the desk. I can’t imagine anyone saying their desk is too big!

Churro has the right idea. Is your room big enough for two desks? If so, you could keep a desk on opposite sides of the room and switch between them when you get tired of using one. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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I mean I need computer space and a bit of space for jotting notes, but I am so flaky that I change my desk space and get bored too easily. Like, I just want to waste time and energy on something that matters and that is NOT easy.

Anyway, I think I would be fine if I have the type of desk where I can have a dual monitor arm and two large monitors and a few other things. Similar to a those nice gaming desk setup aesthetics even though I don’t play PC games or any games at all.

Moving on, I just need to find pick something then move on with my life.

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I get that. I also don’t wanna be that person that says it can also be an inspiration issue. But there is a possibility.

Maybe you can try rearranging your desk first and see if it helps before putting yourself in expense? That always reignites my joy and doesn’t make me get tired or bored of being there so long and I figure out new ways to get used to my desk that feels somewhat if not totally comfortable.


Using the space effectively is the most important thing


Ave you ever considered moving rooms if possible?


I live in a small two bedroom apartment with someone.

I can’t do that.

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Aw :frowning:

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Yeah. :sweat_smile::frowning:

My second option was and still is this one: