Writers choose wisely in this polls!

NOTE: For people who use computers to write their fiction, which I am, hoping is everyone here, unless someone proves me wrong.

When it comes to the size of a desktop computer or laptop screen, what size is better for you and easier on your eye?

  • 11 to 14 inches.
  • 15 to 16 inches.
  • 17 to 22 inches
  • 24 to 27 inches.
  • 31 to 40 inches and a bit higher.
0 voters

Choose wisely!

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Here are some other questions too:

Does anyone here use a second monitor if using a laptop to make things bigger on another screen? Do you prefer to use the laptop screen and no other monitor?

Lend me your thoughts on the matter.
One last thing, how many computer screens is too much for a person, if there is such thing?

Again, thoughts and feelings?

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I have two computers side by side, but the second one is only a backup in case the first one crashes. I use it solely to back up my work, so when the first one stops working I won’t lose any work and can just move on to the other computer. They’re exactly alike; I bought them both the same day, and they each have a 22" screen, which seems just about right for me. Of course, a little bigger never hurts either. /(=^ェ^=)\

I’d say you can never have too many computers, but I’ve never experienced a fire before. How do you carry them all out of your house in the event of a fire or a hurricane or some other catastrophe? I’m thinking two is enough in that case…

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…I hate how you just gave me an idea just now.
Thanks a bunch…


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I have no idea what size mine is tbh

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I have my laptop screen betwen 13-15 inches, and I like a big desktop. My iMac desktop is 5k screen and 27 inches. Very good screen, got it for music production and video/graphics editing. Works great. I voted 13-15 because I prefer to use a laptop to type stories on. But the screen is still nice for writing on.

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I prefer 22" inch screens for typing and writing. My current PC has a 26" screen and that’s a bit too much for text work…good for gaming and graphics editing though…My laptop’s 17" screen is almost too small for day-long reading and typing. But I bought the laptop for travel work (photo editing, note taking, internet access). If only the ASX and airfare prices co-operated.

As for how many computer screens is too many, my response is only limited by my graphics card, desk space, and budget. 3x 28" / 32" screens would be great for Assetto Corsa, DCS, suntanning the geckos, and some occasional writing.

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Measure the screen diagonally.

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Measure it with what? I dont even have a ruler atm :joy:

So, you don’t have any measuring tape anywhere in your home?

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I normally go for a 27 or a bit higher.

24 inch screens make me feel like I am being lied to. I don’t like it.

There’s no happy medium… :frowning_face:

I chose 15-16 as I feel that is is the norm sizing these last few years…


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I’m not at home. I’m travelling :joy:

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I hate to ask, but can you tell what your computer brand you have or even show a picture of it to me? Maybe I can help somehow.

Yeah, I don’t know what the brand is. My computer type and brand knowledge goes as far as “this is a computer”. No, there is not a logo on the computer other than “windows” which apparently really doesn’t narrow it down

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Alrighty then!

Welp, I tried. Is it a desktop or laptop? That is my last question.

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Uhhhhhh what’s the difference between those two things? :sweat_smile:

Have I mentioned I know as much about computers as I do about cars a.k.a. nothing?

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…desktop is stationary while laptops are portable and easier to travel with.

That is all I got.


Thank you for answering.

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Ah. Laptop then

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Thanks a bunch!

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