Writing Prompt of the Week: April 3-9 (Dark, Dreadful, & Dystopian)

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Week of April 3-9
Submissions: April 3-7
Voting: April 8-9
Winner Badge Awarded: April 10

Dark, Edgy, and Dreadful

These prompts are creepy, mysterious, maybe downright scary. There’s some prompts with room for comedy, though. Give us your best spin on a thriller, mystery, or horror short story. Whatever genre you choose, make sure there’s a spine-tingling plot twist or chilling ending for maximum effect!

This Week’s Prompt

Start a story with a happy, upbeat sentence, no double meanings. End it with the same sentence, but this time it’s chilling, dark, horrific.


Sorry for being late! Here’s my take.

One day, April Coyne decides to go and pick flowers at a field. She knows the perfect place where to find tulips and lilacs, her grandmother's favorite flowers.

As she finishes getting ready, she picks her car’s keys and heads to the door, when her roommate, Amber Atkins, stops her on her tracks. “Where are you going?”

April explains, “It’s my grandmother’s birthday today, and I thought it’d be nice to give her a bunch of flowers as a present. There’s this field, ten miles away from here, where I can find-”

Amber cuts her off. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to go there? I’ve just read the news, and what I found out is chilling at best. A man was murdered at a field last night. Did you know?”

April isn’t sure if Amber is talking about the same place where she usually picks flowers, but at the same time doesn’t feel like asking just yet.

That day, April decides to still go and pick flowers at that field.