Writing Prompt of the Week Guidelines
Once a week, we will post a new topic with a prompt.
Here’s how it works:
Prompts are posted on Mondays at 12am CST. You have until Friday at 11:59pm CST to post a submission. Then, the post closes and the weekend is reserved SOLELY for voting. Winners are announced and badges awarded sometime the following Monday.

Please use the icon to vote for your favorite submissions (you can vote for more than one). The submission with the most votes each week will win one of our fancy new Writing Prompt badges! You can win them more than once, and they are tiered. As we gauge popularity and interest, more prizes may be added at a later date.
An extra caveat: Mods are not required to participate, but if one of your submissions catches their eye and they vote for your submission, you get an extra FIVE POINTS added to your submission’s score! Using a voting system tends to lean into “popularity contest” territory, and we want to highlight really good submissions and this will help offset that.

Each week will rotate through four general “themes.” Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Dystopian/Thriller/Horror/Mystery, “No Fantasy” Fiction, and Miscellaneous. The “Dark” theme and “Miscellaneous” theme can include elements of fantasy, but the “No Fantasy” theme cannot. The “Miscellaneous” category includes everything from poetry submissions to “two sentence prompts.” We’ve intentionally kept the themes VERY VERY broad, so if you feel like writing something across genres (adding a romance element to a prompt, for example), this gives you room to do so.

Please keep your submissions PG-13 friendly (no explicit sex, etc). Some cursing or violence is acceptable within reason depending on the prompt. Feel free to interpret the prompt in ways other than “literally.” Word count is not limited, though we would suggest something below 3,000 words.

Some of these have been borrowed from other sites (Pinterest etc.) while some are original prompts submitted by the team. If you happen to have come across a prompt you’ve already written a short story for, we encourage you to write a new one. We want you to test the limits of your creative writing abilities.

As always on Wacky Writers, your work and your submissions are YOURS. We will never repost, republish, or sell your work without your explicit permission in writing. You retain all copyrights and can remove your submission at any time, if you wish.

The chat feature will be enabled for the category (not individual topics). Please keep any extraneous conversation about the prompt, submissions, etc in the chat channel. We’d like to keep the topics clean and for submissions ONLY.
If you’ve got more questions, please ask in the Writing Prompts chat channel (tag CJ or the mods).