Welcome to the 41st Writing Prompt of the Week!

For a refresher on the guidelines, see this topic here:

The chat feature will be enabled for the category (not individual topics). Please keep any extraneous conversation about the prompt, submissions, etc in the chat channel. We’d like to keep the topics clean and for submissions ONLY.
If you’ve got more questions, please ask in the Writing Prompts chat channel (tag CJ or the mods).

Submissions: March 27-31
Voting: April 1-2
Winner Badge Awarded: April 3
Fantasy & Sci-Fi
Fantasy and Sci-Fi encompasses the broad genres, from paranormal to space opera to high fantasy to aliens. All things fantastical, magical, futuristic and paranormal are allowed in these prompts. There should be at least one of these elements in your submission.
This Week’s Prompt
Your entire life, you’ve been told you’re deathly allergic to bees. You’ve always had people protecting you from them. Parents, friends, the housekeeper. It’s said to be so severe, even an epipen won’t help. Today, one slips through and lands on your shoulder. You hear a tiny voice say “Your majesty, what are your orders?”