Writing Prompt of the Week: February 13-19 (Non-Speculative "No Fantasy" Fiction)

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Welcome to the 35th Writing Prompt of the Week!


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Week of February 13-19
Submissions: February 13-17
Voting: February 18-19
Winner Badge Awarded: February 20

No-Fantasy Fiction

These prompts are grounded very thoroughly in reality. No magic, no science fiction, no fantasy creatures or worlds should be in submissions for these prompts. Stories can be modern or historical, maybe even slightly futuristic, but they must be based on reality and on earth as we know (or knew) it to be.

This Week’s Prompt

“That was you? You looked so different!”

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"Jihyo! That was you? You looked so different back then!" As Soojin stares at that old picture, I'm tempted to look back, but don't. Even though it's embarrassing at best, I can't hide my past forever. I have to be open about it.

I answer, “Yeah, it was me. I did a complete 180 after since.” I used to have a style that’s the opposite of my current one four years ago. I was the typical next door girl wearing pastel and neutral colors. Nothing over the top.

Joining the band made me change. I discovered a new side of me I never thought I have. I made new friends. I became more confident. I unleashed my true personality.

“Yeah, I was indeed different. Who knows what I’d done if I hadn’t changed… It doesn’t matter, by the way.” I conclude. “Let’s go. Minjeong and Yebin are waiting for us. We can’t be late.”