Writing Prompt of the Week: July 10-16 (Miscellaneous)

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Welcome to the 56th Writing Prompt of the Week!


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If you’ve got more questions, please ask in the Writing Prompts chat channel (tag CJ or the mods).

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These prompts are random and can include whatever you think will fit the prompt. Ranging from poetry to two-sentence prompts, miscellaneous prompts are a fun deviation from the others!

This Week’s Prompt

Write a short story using only questions.

Am I happy? Am I satisfied?

What brings me in this situation, though?

Is there anything I can do to change it? In case I do manage to change it, does this mean I can move on?

Can I trust myself in this process? Will it give me some benefits?

Will some get hurt by my actions? If so, what will I need to do to heal them? Will I myself heal through this process, too?

Does this help me? If so, how?

And, most importantly, does it mean I can make a move with Yoon Donghwa?