Ask the Team!

Hey there! I’m really sorry to hear that. If you have an issue with something that someone said, you can ‘flag’ their message to let us moderators know that something is up. You do this by pressing the “…” next to the “Reply” button and pressing the “flag”. The bottom option allows you to send a custom message to the moderators that’ll be attached to the flag. There you can give us extra information about the situation so we can help you better

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Thank you. I flagged him

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Hi there, fellow moderators!

I wanted to address something that I think could use a rework. Whether you take it into account or not is up to you. But I believe it can improve this site.

Whenever things get out of hand on a particular thread, mods come and shut it down. Yes, they warn the users. But the users who are there causing trouble usually don’t care about being reprimanded. They usually troll or insult people for the fun of it. But when mods come and close down threads, it doesn’t punish the user who created the trouble in the first place. It punishes everyone. Including the owner of the thread and everyone else who had nothing to do with it. It doesn’t stop the user either. He/She will just come back and choose another thread to sabotage.

I have seen this too many times on Wattpad. It was, in fact, one of the reasons certain users protested and called for the removal of mods. Because they were unhappy with they way mods would punish everyone, regardless of who was involved or not. I personally remember on many occasions not reporting someone who was outright insulting me and a few other users because it was MY thread, and I knew mods would come and just ultimately shut it down.

I know forums are about functioning as a community, but please, I ask you to reconsider this system, because this method of collective punishment only harms the people that didn’t do anything in the long run, and doesn’t deter other trouble makers from doing it again.

I suggest to you moderators to maybe implement a ban system, where the guilty party is not allowed to interact after a certain period of time of having infringed the rules.

I understand that this system is probabaly more difficult to implement, but I honestly believe it can improve this forum…

The decision, of course, rests entirely in your hands. But I wanted to bring this to your attention.

I hope to hear back from you soon.




That’s a good idea. I would like to still discuss on my thread if possible. Perhaps a mod can reopen it once it cools down?:hugs:

I’ve seen this on other chats and it does help.

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Hey there. Its said that I’m awarded the ‘order of merlin’ badge, but how comes I don’t have the yellow border stating that next to my name like others?:cry::sob:

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Hey there! That’s because you haven’t put it as title. To put it as title, go to your Preferences > Account > Title. It’s just above the “Recently Used Devices”

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Thank you!

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Happy to help <3

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i’m trying to post my books on the page specifically for that, but it says i cant add medium or links so it wont “reply” and the page clearly says you can, and everyone else has, so something is glitched and broken. how do i post anything without the cover art or link to the book i’m trying to post?

Hey there, and welcome to the forums! The reason why you are unable to post links and pictures is that your account is new and still only has trust level 0. When you reach trust level 1, you can post pictures and links. To reach it, you have to:

  • Look in at least 5 topics
  • Reading at least 30 posts
  • Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

If you want more information about trust levels, you can find it here.


wasnt aware that the time spent on the other forums got reset to zero. great.

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Sorry about that! It’s because WackyWriters is an independent forum, not affiliated with any writing website in particular, so we’re not able to automatically transfer Discourse perks from another platform. You’re almost there, though, don’t worry :slight_smile: Lurk for a couple minutes more and you’re good to go… :wink:

i need to completely change my profile or just delete it. how can i can i change the screen name, or is it easier to make a new one from scratch? ive already screwed it up and i’m on the verge of just quitting everything. i have lost all hope on anything ever working right, and i dont have what little energy it takes to just make another profile. so can i change my screen name and info or did i just ruin another thing?

Hello! Sorry about the trouble! It looks like I should be able to change it for you. What would you like it changed to?

i think i just got it, though aimlessly clicking crap at random. i’m just struggling right now to even find the motivation to say anything. pretty sure i’ve wasted 2 decades of my life already on being an author and i’m just trying to decide if i should try. i’ve all but scientifically proven i cant succeed at anything at all. i absolutely hate that i started, and the only reason i even bother is because it’s quite literally the only thing in my life that i have to do. spent 2 decades on a book series i literally cant give away for free, and just shamelessly begging seem to keep costing me more and more work and sanity.

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I am glad you were able to fix it! I noticed your account is new, so you should be able to change it. But I figured I would offer since sometimes its easier just to get help.

I am very sorry about all of that! Its sounds really frustrating! I don’t know if you remember me from the old forums but your book is actually on my reading list and I’ve really enjoyed it what I read so far! I’ll admit, I haven’t been on Wattpad since the forum shut down, just cause it was so upsetting (and I’ve been avoiding those feelings), but I was looking forward to going back to your book!

I hope you will stick it out though! It can be so frustrating to put so much work into something that people don’t seem to appreciate it, but at least at the end of the day you have the accomplishment under your belt. I hope you can find a new home here. Please feel free to message me if you ever want to talk or vent to someone! It sounds like you are going through a tough time. :pensive:

well, when the forums went down i lost 100 percent of my advertising and with that, the views just leveled out. so clearly the book isnt self-sustaining. so as a guy who has zero social media experience and not even a smart-phone with internet capability, i started twitter, facebook, a youtube account and have basically been living in-character as my MC to promote the book. and i cannot get a single human being from any platform to end up on the book. i’ve spent like 8-12 hours per day, every single day with my computer just almost crashed from the number of tabs, glued to the chair so much my back is actually hurting. ive sent like 500 tweets to writers, writing pages, the shameless self promo pages and just frantically befriending everyone remotely connected in any way to comedy,. fiction, scifi or the like. i joined 4 other wattpad-ish sights and got zero reads or views on anything but one, and it’s been weird, staying in-character this long trying to get people’s attention when in real life i’m an absolute recluse. and ive hit a wall where as a real person i have no energy left, and i cant be that strong confident character with the humorous shield. i’ve had this book series so long that the characters are basically the friends and family i have, aside from my mom who i rarely ever see…and it feels like losing all my friends when i realized that nothing i can do will even slightly guarantee the book goes anywhere, and it may just be over. 20 years slowly making this book series more and more, until it’s pretty much all i am, and i feel like i’m watching it die. i went from like 6 years sober to now 3 times in a few weeks i’ve spiraled into intoxication to prevent a breakdown and i feel entirely powerless. i dont know how to smile and display comedy when i fully believe it’s already dead. and there’s about 5 people who will even remotely notice if it does. i just dont know how to keep motivating something i lost faith in a while ago. and it’s bleeding through to the one character that’s carrying the whole thing on social media.

That sounds realIy awful. I am so sorry you are experiencing this. I will hit you up in the messages. Its a new feature we have here that might be better for this conversation, if you don’t mind!

@CJtheSiteWizard Hey is it okay if I suggest a change in the appearance of the forum? We have both the light and dark mode, but none of them have this thing that I’m looking for.

You see, I realize why all the posts on the Wattpad forum looks neat and clean, because they have different background color than the post, which makes a nice “comment box” for each post.

On the contrary, on any other Discourse-based forum that I ever seen other than Wattpad, every post are only separated by a single piece of line, which can be easily replicated by this code;




This simple code is super helpful on separating big post, but this no longer really worked here, because it looks identical to the border between post that the forum already use.

I want to have “comment boxes” like in Wattpad again, and I think that this can be achieved easily by just slightly dimmed down the forum background to lighter side of grey.

Just a suggestion in case this anyone liked the idea! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m open to the idea, sure! I’d have to tinker with the code of the current theme we’re using but I don’t think it should be too difficult. Can you go throw this in the feature request thread so I can keep everything in one spot? I’ll take a look at it probably sometime next week.