Ask the Team!

Alright thanks! I will go repost my idea there! :smile:

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You can just link the comment, I donā€™t mind. Just helps me keep things all in one place cuz stuff ends up all over and I forget things otherwise. :sweat_smile:


Works for me! :joy:

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Something weird just happened for me. One of my thread vanished. Literally.

The current EBG Chat Thread

I think if a thread is closed or sunk, the link should still be working. But this thread is just gone without a trace. Even if I check my profile, itā€™s not listed on the topic channel anymore.

Not a long ago, I still receive notification about the thread. Then, all notification about the thread vanished. I never seen something like this happening before.

Anyone have an idea of what happened? Is the thread deleted or this is a glitch?


the thread automatically closed 7 days after the last reply, following which it was relegated to the Necromancerā€™s Lair. would you like it revived?


Ohhh thatā€™s something new that I just heard. Much spooky~ :skull_and_crossbones:

Yes please I would like a revive. I get used on seeing Wattpad threads get closed after three months, but it turned out that the deadline is different on this forum.


Gotcha, weā€™re on it :wink:


weā€™ve revived the thread for you :heart:

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@alcoholandcaffeine @panaceia Thank you very much! :pray:

Oh wait, one more questionā€¦ Threads thatā€™s already closed cannot be found anymore, right? Is it possible to still make closed threads accessible if we have the links to them? My threads contain a lot of information that I often reuse, and revisiting them have some sentimental value, because me and my players often would love to check our older threads to backlog through the story again, and sometimes, I need to dig back there to find some important information. Iā€™m okay with my threads being closed after period of time, but is it possible to make them readable at least?

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Hi! Generally, we need closed topics to stay closed, especially if they have been closed due to rulebreaking. However, we can make exceptions upon request, like for memorials. :grin:


Oh no, I totally understand that closed thread should be stay closed. I was just asking whether it is possible for us to access our threads, even if they are closed, if we have the link? We need to archive every EBG rounds, all of their events and comments, both for informative function (we often link them in case we need a reference) or for sentimental values only. Sometimes, we just like to recheck a book that we read long ago. Because each of rounds in EBG are like individual short stories, there are such nostalgia from visiting our older threads.


Heya! Iā€™ll be answering this one since Pan has just gone offline. What she meant is that we can, on request, move threads to a place where theyā€™re still closed/unlisted, but you can access them if you have a direct link or a bookmark. So yes, itā€™s possible.

If you want your thread moved from the lair so you can access it with a direct link, please post in this thread, preferably with a link attached so we can easily bring it back. This will be a request-based system, applicable only to autoclosed threads which havenā€™t broken any rules. Normally, Chatters topics are set to close after 7 days and the moderator team will unlist and move them to the Lair, which is inaccessible to the public.

I hope that helps. :featherfox:


Ahhh okay that works for me, and Iā€™m really glad that everyone are willing to help here. I will definitely be sure to keep all my threads saved, so thereā€™s always a link to share.

Also one more question!

Do this means threads from different categories have different deadlines?


Yep! For example, Writing Improvement and the Story Help Center are set at 14 days instead of 7.

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Hmmā€¦ :thinking: Okay so how about the Roleplaying and Games section?

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Iā€™m not quite sure. Let me check.

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There is none as of right now, but that is subject to change. It will most likely be 7 or 14 days like the rest of the forums.


Alright that sounds fine.


Hello! My trust level is not working. some people donā€™t have as many badges as me the have like 9 and I have 15. Please help!

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Hey there! What do you think is ā€˜brokenā€™ about your trust level?

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