Ask the Team!

Great, thank you!

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uwu what happened to the cute wacky writers logo?

it’s just this now

Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 4.50.48 PM

Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 4.50.54 PM

When I try to post links and images, there’s a notification saying that I can’t post them. Is there a way to fix that?


Heyo. :wave: You just joined, so you don’t have a trust level yet. That’s why the forum doesn’t yet allow you to post links and images. Make a few posts in the community, like a few, use some emojis. Soon you’ll be bumped up to trust level “basic” which is when you can post links, gifs and images. :slight_smile:


Oh ok thanks!

ahhh that’s alright, i was just confused. i thought something had happened to the site :sweat_smile:

very cute actually hkhkh

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        Hey, pshh! Any moderator that’s familiar with EBG? :eyes:

Okay, so I know that I asked this before and I remember the previous answer. I know that the forum is still new and people still have no idea on how to manage bigger game threads.

But you see, I found the event section of the forum and I thought that maybe I can temporarily use this to make a seasonal event for my game? Just for a little test, to try out how this will work. Nothing too big, just trying to see whether or not a mini EBG round will work here on this forum.


Not really a question, but, I wouldn’t mind there being “Donate To Keep This Forum Running” or some form of monetisation, such as Google Display Ads, to help pay for the hosting and future expenses of this site. I know good hosting isn’t free and as the forums grow we might need more storage space and bandwidth to keep the site up, without putting undue monetary stress on our Site Wizard. I know a lot of people aren’t comfortable handling monetary donations, but I’d rather help donate to keep this forum running than have it closed because of the associated cost. While maybe its not something you’d want to roll out right away, it could be good to plan ahead before the upgrade needs to happen and there isn’t any funds set aside for it… Just a thought for the future!


I just love all y’all. :heart:

We’re considering ways to monetize without being obnoxious. :wink:


Awesome! I am happy to hear. I will throw in the suggestion of a Wikipedia-esk Yearly Fundraiser, or something like a Telethon (only over the web instead of phones obvs) where you could get the community members jazzed about reaching a certain goal. That way you feel the hype of keeping your favorite place alive and you have a certain dollar amount people can see you are trying to reach, instead of just wondering where all the donations are going. And then as the user you are only “bugged” with it once a year, as maybe like part of an anniversary celebration, so it doesn’t feel as pushy as a ever present donation button.

(Just to add ideas to your discussion.)


Extreme bias games are last man standing Role Play Games. Where as the concept is dope we can not for now have them on the site.

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Also, (this one is actually a question) did you guys decide on if you are making some kind of Promotional topic for discussions of Publishing, Social Media, & Self-Monetization? I know someone revived the Big Thread On How To Get Reads & is including other writing platforms, but since we are looking to bring a varity of platform users together on this forum, a whole seperate Promotional discussion topic might not be a bad idea. Not to promote your books directly, but for discussing using social media, self-publishing on Amazon, etc.


Yes, we’ve had requests for a couple new categories and that is one of them. I’m hoping to have them done before the week is out.

I happen to have spent a considerable amount of time in the self-publishing industry so this will be helpful for many authors, I think


Pardon, I have no idea what the sentence means?

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Sweet! I am writing tips for Social Media in the mean time and I didn’t want to organize a whole doc on that thread, since social media isn’t quite in the same vein as getting reads on the publishing platforms.

I am super looking forward to the self-publishing information! I’d love to do that with my own writing once I finish something good enough for people to pay for. xD

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Hey all,

We have concerns about our ability to appropriately host and moderate anything similar to EBG or RP right now. We have plans to implement a process to all this in the future, but for now, for the sake of server load and staffing, it’s not something we can allow at this moment. EBG and RP can get huge, and also spin wildly out control, and we are not at a point yet on these forums where we can manage either one.

As soon as that changes, y’all will be the first to know.

Thanks for understanding!



Yes, I understand, I was just clarifying. :blush:

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Good deal! :slight_smile:


Thank you for creating this forum! I was lost without one!

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Hello there! Will we need to go through the same levels of permissions to be able to post images and links in WackyWriters as the original Wattpad forums?