I got a weird message in my email that’s supposedly from a Wacky pm but I don’t see this pm here. Unless the account was suspended for sending the weird messages?
Hi! It was spam and taken care of across the platform already. Thanks for your vigilance!
Great. Just curious, was it another [insert character here]novel spam?
No, haha. I’m not exactly sure what it was since I’m not the techy one of the group, so I don’t want to say the wrong thing. But I do know that Wisp is the allmighty protector of eveyrhting Wacky and said it shall not pass .
Please stop sending me emails, or at least add an unsubscribe button
There are email preferences
@Kamiccola is correct! You can adjust your email settings under preferences-> email
Can I ask for feedback on an animatic/song on wacky writers forum? if so where would I put that and would I need to offer payment?
Sure! You can put it in the Classifieds section and offer payment only if you want to–I encourage it (as long as it’s not monetary) just because someone is taking time to help give you feedback, but I’m sure there are plenty of people who wouldn’t mind doing it as a favor if you don’t have a payment in mind.
Hi! I would like to delete my forum: link so that I can restart it
Thank you!
All done~
Thank you!
Hi, I have a friend who’s new to this forum and I wanna show them how to use Wisp. Can I just show them in a general chat thread like CAFÉ 89 or would that be considered derailing the thread?
Wisp is our lovely baby dragon mascot, so technically no - unless the OP ask you to please not. Also, you could use a PM if you’re concerned about derailing .
Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Hey, this thread’s not mine, but is it okay if I ask Polls for Fun to be reopened please? it’s an iconic thread and I’d hate to see it go away Polls For Fun
Sure thing, I don’t see a problem in this case Though if it does go under a second time, we might have to take the hint that the community wants to move on
If you have the possibility, I encourage you to stay active on the threads you enjoy, so they keep going strong
Thank you so much!