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wait, so, I have to pay for Desire Pro even if it’s just personal use?

guess I’ll have to uninstall it :sweat_smile:

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Desire is paid only, but I get some people don’t particularly mind and get it from like, dafont, or through dodgy zip files. I just mentioned it because I know I personally had some friends with free versions, and were unaware it was paid only :’)


It’s also why the foundry sells a few different bundles with less letter types or more for different budgets, and every ‘free’ version I’ve seen is utterly incomplete


ah. Well, I looked it up, and WHY is desire so expensive? It’s-- much more than many other fonts I know!

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Uh… the “free” version I got is complete… should I be worried? This is the second time I’ve installed it.

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@CoffeebyNight I got my pack here

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It’s pretty affordable when you consider how many glyphs and alternates it has. I paid somewhere in the $300 region for Lingerie lmao, and a standard font I have (Jeko) was around half the price of Desire with no alternates, Yana was about the same :slight_smile:

No, you shouldn’t be worried lol, freefontsdownload is a dodgy site overall though. I feel almost certain they also offer downloads of plug ins through either their site or sister site?


Just want to chime in, if you’re looking for affordable fonts, CreativeFabrica is the way to go. I pay monthly ($10) for all access so I get unlimited downloads, but they also throw huge sales where fonts, graphics, overlays etc get discounted to under a dollar sometimes!


What really? Fonts on creative fabrica are much cheaper! Unfortunately desire isn’t one of them. I quite like The Thirsk. Probably will get it when I’m on a project that needs it.

AH okay! And yes, when you click on download, sometimes it won’t download and redirect to plugins. And sometimes it’ll download and still redirect. :woman_shrugging:

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Yes, I joined creative fabrica through a friend’s link, and their free fonts are also very amazing! And the rest of them are very affordable, too!

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Creative Fabrica is very affordable, the high end stuff like Yana, Desire, Lingerie, won’t be there, but Cruzine has many of his fonts on there available, which works out nicely for me as I have a subscription and they can get pricey unless buying on sale in bundles (I now have 5 of his fonts, twice, as I stupidly jumped on a bundle of his before checking CF). All I’d like to add is, fonts like Desire and Lingerie have high price tags for a reason, so it’s never worth comparing the cost of basic fonts from CF to them. :slight_smile:

They sometimes do a month subscription for one dollar, so if you have a dollar to spare and want to check out the subscription before committing to it, it’s worth checking out. Their sub is less than Envatos, but you also don’t have quite the same range as Envato. I think it’s 29 dollars a month usually, but I got it on sale :slight_smile:

Eugh I hate when sites do that.

They are! It’s a great site, and a good alternative to Envato Elements for me. I love Envato, but the price is too high for me to justify. $10 a month for all access is that nice sweet spot that doesn’t interfere with me paying bills at the end of the month, whilst still feeling like I pay a fair amount for the amount I use it.

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hm right.

ohhh. I don’t know, anything in dollars is very expensive in my country. So I just stick to on demand whenever I need the goodies, heh. Maybe I’ll look into subscription when I have a more regular stream of income in dollars.

YES. It’s so damn annoying!

Hm… creative fabrica is great! Their freebies are very cool! I downloaded so many fonts from their free packs hehe

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Another book cover for another contest :sweat_smile: This prompt was mostly based on fairytales, and I got Sleeping Beauty, so here’s my take on it! ps this took me a loooooooooong time xD Thoughts?

small warning~ ^^



I agree with @zena


Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Another contest entry, though I’m not particularly satisfied with the results but … oh well :woman_shrugging: The deadline’s today anyways, and my creative well’s run dry xD Thoughts?

also, I know that Holland looks more glowy than Colton but that was intentional! :wink:


THATS GORGEOUS- what font is that?

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Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ghost Dancer

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