ONC 2025

Yeah, definitely. And if one story ends up going over to more 30-35k, that can be a problem too. Maybe more for myself. I want to put a lot of characterization into my stories too.

But yeah, that sounds simple enough. First half: ten days, second half: ten days. 14 chapters isn’t too bad at all. 2k each, that’s 28k. A good number imo.

Eddie needs more structure. So does the other idea.

That’s cool you’re settling into things. I’m still ‘rugged Cali style’ :tm:


You have a strong Miami vibe by going for their Taco Bell vibrant color schemes…well, more towards pinks than that neon baby blue and purple. But still, the same principle. Very vibrant, even when dark.


Yeah, that’s also true. I like the vibrance contrasting the darkness, even in the stories themselves. It’s kinda like GTA too:

It’s like Los Santos/ Vice City kinda, unintentionally so.


I finalized the cover and wrote a blurb.

Shapeshifting cats, magic tea shop, and a hot neighbor who hates all of the above.
Tabitha is becoming a cliche of a single woman since she’s always surrounded by cats. She volunteers at the shelter, fosters kittens, and has a soft spot for the neighborhood strays, even if it scares off her hot neighbor, who only likes dogs.

Curious about a new tuxedo who’s been visiting her porch, Tabitha follows her to a mysterious tea shop where her life takes an unexpected turn. The tuxedo is not a cat at all but a teenage witch whose careless magic turns Tabitha into a cat as well. If they don’t figure out how to break the curse, they’ll both be stuck in feline bodies forever. The problem is, they need the help of a human.

Tabitha has helped cats her whole life. Will anyone help her?

I must say, this is the easiest blurb I’ve written. I’ve either got good at them or this is a sign that I know what story I’m writing.


If it’s a sign of knowing what you are writing, the story itself will flow out pretty easily, too. (Always some spots that mire down, but excluding that.)


Oooh, with this in mind, let me see!

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I hope so. I haven’t had a chance to start writing it yet.


Yes! I like this. It pops a bit more than the original.

I have an idea for my other story but idk if it’s too “risky” for ONC but it fits the prompts 133 and 118 well. It has the plot idea in there too, but I may have to tone it down:

my 'risky' idea

Basically, there’s this broke dude called JD who’s 20 and he hangs around with his friends Blaze, Theo and a dude called Squareface.

One day, Squareface invites him to a party where his family is and JD takes a liking to Squareface’s uncle, Gabriel, who’s an artist but also ends up being his sugar daddy but they start to fall for each other.

Blaze is like “Nah this isn’t good, you should reconsider” but JD likes being loved, and also the perks of dating Gabriel and he doesn’t see anything wrong with it. Gabriel likes the company too.

Gabriel is also not out around his family, and he’s a handyman in the church he goes too. He doesn’t want things spilling over into his real life. They try to keep it on the low, but the desire takes over.

Blaze and Theo try to dig up dirt on Gabriel to make JD break up with him, but there is no dirt, but Gabriel and JD get closer, but the tension of their secret builds up too much, until one day they get caught together kissing in the church bathroom by Blaze.

They argue over it, and that starts to sour things between them. They start to drift away, and eventually they break up aimicably when Gabriel gets a better job offer and he moves to another city. JD gets the money he wants, but he’s also a bit lovelorn.

JD and Theo throw him a party to help him move on.

I’m still working out the middle of the Eddie story. But I am almost 1k into writing that.

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I think the title would be easier to read if larger.

Also, it bothers me that there’s too much space after T in “the.”

I like the idea of a tough guy ironing. :joy:


I don’t consider that too risque. The Age Gap stuff is clearly done with the idea that these are the exceptions of “no grooming”, and you’re dealing with a 20 year old, not a freshly 18. There’s levels of ambiguity at 18, 20, 21, anf huge gap at 25-30.


All I did was adjust the style. But yeah, my titles are far larger, regularly.


Yeah, I guess so. Some people might, but I made sure he was definitely older than 18.

Yeah, true and this is non manipulative, and consensual too. I want no grooming in it.

Also true.

I want to see how far this one gets, along with Eddie. I think Eddie will be on the shorter side (20-25k) and JD will be prolly 30-35k but we will see.


I’m not, but a friend of mine said they wanted to try to do it this year.

I wish you luck!




I made this for the JD story:


bad romance

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JD, a bored, unemployed twenty year old ends up at his friend, Squareface’s crazy family gathering, where he finds solace in the sensual, mature artist turned sugar daddy, Gabriel.

Over time, their arrangement changes as they start to fall for each other, much to the disdain of their friends, who try to dig up dirt on them. Drama, obstacles, fears and personal conflicts try to tear them apart, but they’re determined to last.

Will they be able to overcome the odds and stay lost in love with each other?

ONC Prompt 133: "Obviously where you’re concerned, there is no need for me to flirt.”

How’s that?


That works.


I have posted up to chapter 5 (basic edits, this year, so no 0 draft posting, all 1st draft).

I’ve got 1.5 more chapters written by this morning.


Thanks, gonna post it soon.

You’re flying :smiley: !