Reasonably flying. Not going nuts with sitting at a computer all day.
Okay so my ONC was put on hold whilst I finished my third book of the year (I think I got to like 3k or so). I finished book 3 and edited it last night, gave it a cover today, so it can get published today and then I can forget about it, and go back to my ONC project. Everyones making such great progress!
Lowkey tempted to join onc hmm
Better than me, lol.
You should
Always a fun discipline.
I just posted Ch 6.
I had it read to my husband, first, and he raged for 10-20 minutes at my dude.
Legit made my day.

I had it read to my husband, first, and he raged for 10-20 minutes at my dude.
sounds great!
I made a playlist for both my stories.
Chapter 1 posted.
I wasn’t sure how to start at first. It was easier to write a synopsis for the entire story than to write one little chapter, but once I got started, it flowed nicely. Then I went back and revised the beginning and landed on a pretty awesome first line
“Since when did cats ring doorbells?”
I had to change the reason why protagonist runs after the cat since I realized my initial idea was weak. Now it’s very clear: money. The cat is a little thief.
So we’ve got the inciting incident in the first chapter. Good start for a novella. Next chapter is the catalyst.
I hope to make a good dent in it this weekend.
UPDATE: So far I did everything but write. Thankfully, it’s still early. But in good news, I found the perfect subgenre to market this book as. I worried that calling it a cozy mystery would be misleading but that’s what always comes up when you search for cat cozies. Well, there’s a cozy subgenre that isn’t a mystery: cozy fantasy. Why didn’t I think of this before? It’s perfect.
How is everyone’s writing going?
1.3k into JD + Gabriel
700 into Eddie
Breaking news!
I found an inspiration for the magic tea shop.
I wish I could go there. It’s actually just an hour away but I don’t think I’ll be making the trip.
The pictures should be enough.
At just under 18K 0 draft, 7K is edited and up, and I’m closing in on the climax of this story.
Then settle this one down, and onto another idea…
I’m most likely not doing ONC this year, but I just need to rant a little bit about this whole theme they’ve got going on - it’s driving me nuts how they’re using that embellished
kinda language to communicate important stuff. I get it that we’re writers, and prone to metaphors, but the (presumably young and newbie) people who didn’t understand how to submit their stories won’t get it if they have to wade through words to get to the point. Ok rant over
I just felt like whomever wrote it this year was a bit too high…
Yeah, they definitely overdid the theme this year I liked it better last year when it was more to the point.

I just felt like whomever wrote it this year was a bit too high…
Only a bit?
It was polite. lol

I liked it better last year when it was more to the point.
As someone who writes emails for a living, I get easily triggered by unnecessary flourishes
I thought it was fun in the intro but then in all other chapters it was not necessary.
In other news, something good came out of the insomnia at last as I wrote the next chapter.
This story hasn’t been flowing for me. I mean, once I’m writing, it goes easy but just to get myself into the writing mood, it’s a lot of effort.
Maybe I’m not over the last burnout yet.
Thankfully there’s still time to write the full novella. I just like to finish early so I would have time to edit later.
Last year I finished the full draft in February.
Of course, no one cared but me and it didn’t make a difference. I’m actually surprised that book didn’t do better since it’s a campy vampire story. Are vamps still not popular?
Let’s hope that cats are.

I thought it was fun in the intro but then in all other chapters it was not necessary.
I didn’t read the full contest book, but I look at their announcements every now and then…and I can’t roll my eyes hard enough