So, tell me, what is on your mind at the moment?

I have no idea what that is either :stuck_out_tongue: I know the words. Not the things.

How is it different from a futon? Idk :woman_shrugging:

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In America, this is how our futons look:

It can look like this or a little different.

That is a sofa bed not a futon :stuck_out_tongue:

futons don’t have legs. Well, they’re not supposed to.

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Yeah, but we just call it a futon even though it is a sofa bed.
But even sofa beds have their own thing…in America.


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I blew up an old, plastic laptop by taking it from my desk and using it in my bed, for real.


I greatly enjoyed the cliffhanger I gave chapter 2.
Still feel a bit sorry for Brianna though. I did the poor girl dirty.

I shall eat dinner then relax till I start chapter 3.

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Do you call them “duvets” in your country?

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I have a therapy session in a bit, but my nerves shaky and my mind is going a million miles per minute…

I don’t like this at all.

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Brah, people don’t care about your character’s middle names. Just their first name, and occasionally the surname.


My gosh there is truth to that…

I have plenty of characters with middle names. I just give them middle names as a force of habit and it feels weird without it…sometimes.

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Yeah, I agree.

We don’t need your life story either, Character in the firts chapter.

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I feel like I am being somewhat called out on that one…

nervously smiles and laughs

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I mean nobody is going to see this story EVER.
So, does it even matter at that point?

If I do plan on showing these stories to the world or something else, I can relearn for myself when that time comes.

Until then I am having a damn good time, but with me.


Dinner is going to be delicious.
I say this at 9:08 am in the morning and dinner is hours away.



My darn upside down waterfall is giving me a darn headache again.

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Good to be positive and excited about dinner in advance :wink:


This six-year-old girl’s tiny little voice and big personality.

I wish I knew what they were saying. There are no captions on the video :confused:

Slight urge to do another story along with Red Reign.

I am really itching to do a story focusing on a character going on a grand epic adventure with some friends to not only change the world, but to solve a MAJOR ancient mystery that could DESTROY the whole world.

I guess that could be that Alagossian story with the chosen mentor to is destined to choose the chosen hero.

That idea is fine, but I need something a tad different.

Time to brainstorm.