So, tell me, what is on your mind at the moment?

Jorildyn took her first snow sled ride.
Gosh, she is so adorable and funny.

Why am I sounding like a parent towards this character?!

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Food and chapter seven…

Will this make you feel better or worse?

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I feel like I should have Principalities and Dukedoms in Alagossia besides just Queendoms, Kingdoms, and Empires

That would be a different change from the standard monarchies.

I could also add democratic republics or something of that nature, but I don’t like that, in fact I hate it and rather have absolute monarchies and elective monarchies in the world of Alagossia.

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What about a miliatry dictatorship or two?

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When the military has total control of the nation, the government, and the people, that it’s bit totalitarian or something???

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Yeah there are a few Southeast Asian countries which are military dictatorships. It’s not too different from an absolute monarchy.

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Do they have an title, even though it is a military dictatorship?

I mean I know of North Korea, but the Kim Jong Un, doesn’t really have a title other than whatever it is…right?

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Supreme Leader counts, right?

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I will have to come up with a made up title.

Also, if the country is military dictatorship, would calling it an empire or kingdom or something like that, make sense?

Like we have United Kingdom/UK/Britain, but what is the true name of North Korea?

Is it just North Korea and nothing more?
Forgive me if I am overthinking things!

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I never knew that North Korea was called The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in all honesty.


Wow, some of these, I had zero idea that were dictatorships.

This is interesting knowledge. Thanks a bunch.

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Neither really, since I have no familiarity with any of the shows you just mentioned. I suppose they’re a reflection of our times, so it doesn’t surprise me that they’re disturbingly violent. Sad, but not surprising. (ノ_<、)ヾ(´▽`)

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Well it is weird that the TV Y7 show has a melted corpse and the TV MA show doesn’t at least

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I am going to watch some anime series whether old or new (probably rewatch something I was suppose to stick with), while I jot down some character names, the roles of the characters/who they are, along with the setting the MCs will venture to.

This is from Red Reign: The Breaker of Phantom Rituals.


In my mind, at least now and what I am adding, Alagossia has TWENTY-FIVE ULTRA-SUPER CONTINENTS! There are five groups of continents and within the five groups are five ultra-super continents.

These groups are spread out across the Alagossian world.

I swear to the flipping gods that I need a world atlas of Alagossia and the more I add, the bigger and vast the world is!

@Akje: What’s that website you’ve mentioned to me before with the maps? Does that site also allow you to do a map of a fictional world too?

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Yup! It’s all about making maps of fictional countries for novels, games and whatever. I used the free version and got a gorgeous map of my world, and I didn’t even try out all the different types you can choose from.


Thanks buddy!

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These might be useful too! Haven’t viewed them yet, though.

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