What is the inspiration behind your magic system?

I keep forgetting to reply here ehe!

Anyway, if we’re talking about inspiration, that’d be media. Most of the core mechanics of my magic system are heavily inspired by the magic systems from media that I grew up consuming. Most are heavily inspired by X-Men, Harry Potter, and the bending system of ATLA.

Also, since I wanted to have some characters with innate powers and some use magical objects, I got the idea of separating the “superpowered” characters from the “magic” characters from the Marvel comics. It worked for me since it allowed me to distinguish who’s got this kind of power.

Definitely hard. I identified a lot of the core mechanics of my magic system during my world building.

I can, but Imma just link to the thread HAHHAHA:

Here, here and here

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My magic system is kinda inspired by Clannad almost like nature / the universe helps those who need it

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One of the saddest anime out there…

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Oh it’s so sad just a certain clip can make me cry without having to watch the full episode

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Yeah, I have seen a few clips and trust me it is a sob fest. Between that and Anohana, I can’t decide. Then there’s Angel Beats too!

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Season two is definitely sadder than the first. I haven’t seen Anohana, though I feel like maybe I saw one episode of it years ago? Angel Beats doesn’t make me cry but it does make me so sad, I love all of them so much!!

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Oh, I did also slightly base the magic system in the story with Maggie and Tay off of a combination of Harry Potter and Dragon Quest 11.

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Off Topic:

I’ve been wondering about your profile pic for the longest and stupidly didn’t know that it was a picture of a cute cat.

LOL! :sweat_smile:

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Yes, one of my cats (she turned 9 recently).

Her name is Izzy.

My other cat’s name is Toby, and he’s a floofy orange tabby.

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Aww! :face_holding_back_tears:

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