⚠️ Writing Site Shutdown, Pending Forum Closure ⚠️

Darwin, wow! That was such a nice donation, thank you!!

It makes me a little sad because it was definitely a project involving blood, sweat, and tears, but I just can’t keep up with managing it (plus the cost of various services used to make it function). If we ever get to a point where we’re just swimming in money :joy: I’ll have a backup where I can recreate it again at some point lol.

We are currently paid up through March! With your donation, we’re halfway to April already, so THANK YOU AGAIN.

THIS. ALL OF THIS. We’ve got the design aspect covered I think, but the “young writing community” is what I think our target audience is and we’re talking RIGHT NOW about what content to generate for blogs and for Instagram etc.

We toyed with this idea, the issue isn’t so much creating it as it is managing the monthly rewards and/or merch/stickers/emojis and everything. I think if we get the social media aspect running smoothly (which is our first goal), we can explore this option after.


If you need any help at all with social media content creation, please please please reach out to me!! I don’t have much actual professional experience but I’ve done alright managing my own jewelry-selling account and I know a bit about SEO, plus I am the exact target audience you’re hoping reach as a 17-year-old aspiring author.


I will absolutely reach out to you as soon as we have the base plan in place for content creation and ideas. (it’ll be good for your resume too!!) Thank you so much for offering.


Thanks so much, and I’m happy to help!!


Could you continue managing the forum in Discord if it came to the worst case? Because the cost to manage in discord would be far cheaper. And there are forum options as well. Yeah, sad to see the forum go if that should happen, which I hope won’t. I understand, times are tough.

Aah, just saw discord still running. I recommend testing the community forum features, because that would allow a similar function to threading here.


I’ve donated. I think. Paypal still spinning on the transaction. Yeah, if it comes too costly going forward, Discord would be an option to consider, as I feel a chunk of us are already on there for other reasons.


Aw thank you so much Veronica, it’s SOO appreciated! We do have Discord and yes, that’s always an option, but we are going to do our best to make sure the forum stays up. We’ve got lots of people brainstorming ways to keep us going and making long-term plans for monetization so we can stay afloat.

Thank you so much for the donation, we’re funded halfway through March right now!


Awesome. No problems at all. This is the only writing forum I feel comfortable to drop into from time to time.


That means SO MUCH to me, you have no idea.


I’m really sorry to see this happeneing to the forum! It took me a while before I learned about this after the Wattpad ones shut down, and I love the community here. I’ve been busy and haven’t been able to visit as for a while now, but I’m almost done with the busiest parts of my year, so maybe I can help somehow once I’m more free, although donations would not be possible for me, right now (am a student).

I could volunteer to help with promotional ads, whether that be for the forums social media or books on the forum itself.
Although I can’t really do anything till the start of May or mid April (exams almost every week till then.)


Nice to see you back! :blush: I think the social media part is going to be our focus for now, so I’ll make a note of your offer – thank you!! – and we’ll reach out once we get a little more organised :laughing:


Of course! I’ve been really swamped for the past few months and will be till mid April at least, but after that I’m hoping I get time for my other hobbies that don’t involve schoolwork, and maybe then I will try to help with social media as much as I can!


I’ve sent out a tweet to the writing community. Hopefully people might see it and join!


Oh goodness thank you! I think the more Twitter writing community people we can get here the better: they’re all looking for alternatives right now.


I like that idea. I don’t have anything for sale yet but a few authors around here do. They could get some exposure in exchange for a donation.

Have you considered sponsors yet? I’ve been an active member in Campfire community, I’m their discord mod too, so I can talk to the founder directly about it if they’d like to advertise on Wacky if you’re open to that.


:sob: Seeing this thread gave me a mini-heart attack, but I understand how expensive running a site can be. I had to downgrade a personal site of mine this year for the same reason because hosting is ridiculous especially now with inflation, it’s tough. This forum has helped me SO much. I think if I hadn’t found it, I would’ve quit writing a long time ago, and with the moral support I’ve gotten here, I was able to finish a draft of an original story for the first time! Now working on a second novel, and a novella too. I never would’ve imagined it, but this is such a great place to learn from each other, vent, find resources. I truly love it. :heart: I don’t have anything to spare for February, but will def donate in March. :crossed_fingers: I truly hope we can keep this going. :pray:


That’s amazing! Glad we could help you and thank you so much!!


I have spread the word to close friends and some have joined to help out! I noticed CJ said you guys are open to new mod/team members and I was wondering if there’s any sort of application or?


Yay, new people! :blush:

And here you go! It's That Time Again - We're Looking for New Team Members!


We should probably refresh some of that info lol but the mod application form should be good to go (unless y’all encounter technical difficulties, if so, let us know).